We are not amused by royal condoms...

Peter Wu

2 Feb 2011

I saw this in the New Zealand Herald today and am producing it verbatim:


“While Britain has a public holiday to celebrate Prince William’s wedding on April 29, one company is offering souvenir condoms that urge lovers to lie back and think of England. Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction is producing special celebration packs that bear the slogan: ‘Like a royal wedding, intercourse with a loved one is an unforgettable occasion’. Critics have dismissed the novelty condoms as tasteless.”


In response to the stinking criticism that its condoms are tasteless and to silence the critics, the company is introducing ‘tasty condoms’, like Pork Sausage, Fish and Chips, Italian Salami, Sweet and Sour, Tandoori, Laksa, and more.  Far from being tasteless, the Crown Jewels Condoms of Distinction certainly has good taste!