Another close election? (3)


Bob Choi & Others

9 November 2012


Bob Choi:         That's right, Stella. Mr. Wong XX and Mr. Leung XX are opposing every moves made by the HK government, and oddly they are elected by the people to the Legislative Council every time! If anyone is willing to pay my fees, we will take care of them. The only reason why no one has taken up my service is maybe the government actually want these two gentlemen to stay in the game, as a way to show the world that Hong Kong is a democracy...hmmm.


Peter Wu:        What’s got into your Bob?

For as long as I’ve known you, you have never advocated violence, let along killing people.

What’s caused the change? Is it because of the ‘old fire’ coming out as you age?

Anyway, what you advocated about getting the Democrats and Republicans to see the ‘big picture’ will never happen. It’s only day one after the election, already the words uttered more and more loudly among the Republicans are ‘resentment’, ‘retribution’ and ‘revenge’ for the loss of the election which some say is impossible for the Republicans to lose.

The two parties will never see the big picture – not in the past, not now, not for a million years. If they do, there will be no Democrats and Republicans as political parties. What replaces them is possibly a new breed of politicians called Demo-publican!

It’s been very interesting reading the post-election analyses and commentaries. One article I read by Paul McGeough is particularly harsh on Mitt Romney. He calls him a political chameleon, one who changes colours to suit the circumstances, or a willow who bends with the wind. He kept flip-flopping, and advancing multiple policies depending on who the audience is.

That he and the Republican lost is attributed to the economy alright (It’s the economy, stupid) but voters are not stupid. They can see through Romney. So while the economy is important, voters are not stupid enough to be fooled by Romney’s flip-flopping and a lack of policies (he has many and the voters don’t know which one to believe).

Obama won for good reasons. His oratory skill is simply superb. He looks presidential. He delivers his speech with conviction. On the other hand, Romney comes across as a typical Mormon, those you see preaching at the street corner or knocking on your door. Did you see the white hair around the sides of his head and at the back of his neck? I swear they are never as noticeable before the campaign began.

It’s all history now. While retaining the key to the White House, Obama faces tough battles ahead. Already some artists are projecting what he will look like in four years’ time – may be sooner.


Bob Choi:         Peter, no, I am not advocating violence. I hate violence. Anyway, I don't need to resort to violence to get rid of unwanted politicians. My "assassins" operate in a purely non-violent mode. Without giving away our secrets, let's just say that politicians are particularly drawn to sex and money with democrats favoring the former and republicans the latter. Next time when you read about a certain politican caught mispropriating funds or engaging in unsanctioned sex, it may very well be just another mission accomplished by my team. That's right....!



-To be continued-