Exploring China, Episode (1)


Stella Tse & Others

16 November 2012


Stella Tse:        This is a wonderful documentary on food in China; however it may make you want to fly to China for a meal...


REALLY interesting show on the BBC website called Exploring China. It's all about food in China and hosted by Ken Hom.


I found the first episode on YouTube, if you want to see:




Really good!


Dr. Hon:           Yes, it's brilliant! We watched it earlier this year.



Cheung:           This is the kind of tours I would like to go. Now I can just enjoy it at home.


Pony Ma:         Peter, me too! When you are ready, let's do it! Go and try out different food in China!


Dr. Hon:           Have another longer 美食觀光團 for the next reunion gathering?


Stella Tse:        In this video, I picked up this simple recipe of baking chicken wing with sea salt and 五香粉 and then fried with garlic and onion - very tasty and easy to do! I also substitute with spare ribs and it's just as good.


Dr. Hon:           Ken Hom & Ching-He are both excellent cooks. I've cookbooks by both of them, very easy to follow. Ching-He's cookery programmes are very popular here.


Peter Wu:        Wow, if you didn’t tell me it is Ken Hom, I wouldn’t recognise him. He’s aged quite a bit.

Like Rick Stein and Kylie Kwong’s cooking shows, it’s their coverage of cuisines from different regions which make it interesting.

May be we all can tape an episode of our cooking our favorite dishes and compile them into a cooking show.

To make it a best seller, we have to think of a catchy title.

I can think of one – Shall we call it the Naked Chefs?

I suggest ladies’ first!


-To be continued-