Howdy (3)


Peter Wu & Others

29 July 2013


Peter Wu:        Metis , I didn’t know you have come down with a flu but my vibe tells me something is not quite right, as judged by your tardy response to the emails.


I am like you. I rarely get sick but when I do, it can come down hard, as if the body is making up for ‘lost opportunity’.


I am thankful I have not been sick with anything for well over five years (judging by no sick leaves). However, I have done some damage to one of the muscles on my left shoulder (due to over-exercise I think) and is due to see an orthopaedic surgeon in early August.


James Leung from Sydney told me it is one of the most common injuries he sees in his line of work (he is physio) and he does not think surgery is needed. I hope not. Will wait and see.


Charles look as good as can be expected. Seems to have put on a bit of weight. I think the things which bother him are pain, and inability to concentrate on anything for long, hence his infrequent appearance in this forum. His hand-written note to us is simply fantastic. I nearly cried when I read it, as it carries so much sentiments and meaning in the words he used. It tells me there is nothing wrong with his cognitive ability.


Well, get well and make the most of the record hot weather in the UK. At least you don’t need the hot water bottle.


Metis Hon:      It's still really hot here, although the sun has disappeared behind thick grey clouds in the NW. My lawn has turned all burnt brown and the roses are sad and wilting. I haven't got the energy to rescue them with a hose.


The flu has now turned into persistent coughs but I'm definitely feeling better. Thanks.


I hurt my right shoulder 2 years ago through over zealous weight lifting exercises in the gym. At first, I thought give it time, it will heal itself but no, the pain didn't go away. It became so bad that I wasn't even able to lift my arm nor slept on the right side. So I took myself to my osteopath and then she sent me back to my GP. It turned out that I had left it too late and the strain had turned into subacromial bursitis.


Bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of the bursa, a small sac located between a bone and muscle, skin, or a tendon. The subacromial bursa helps the motion of the rotator cuff in activities such as overhead work. My immflation is probably developed secondary to overuse of the muscle. At the end, I was given a depo-medrone injection (corticosteroid) and it took almost a year for the pain to subside. From then on, I was advised not to lift weight above my head in the future!


You'll be in good hands with your orthopaedic consultant, hopefully as mentioned by James that it's a minor sport injury and you'll get better with physio. Do take care and go easy in the gym.


At our age, our body is falling into bits, it's time to really go slow!


-To be continued-