Standard and Poor downgrade of the US...

Peter Wu

12 August 2011


Having written what I have written in my previous article The inevitable has happened..., I now have cause to doubt the authenticity and motive for the downgrading of US’s credit worthiness by Standard and Poor.


My sources in the FBI hinted at inside trading within Standard and Poor.  Like investors eagerly awaiting the release of the quarterly and annual earning results of companies, and pouncing on that information to make a quick buck in the stock market, executives inside Standard and Poor hit upon the same idea, and decided to apply it on a Sovereign state like the US.


The ‘downgrade’ ruse was spectacularly successful.  While there were bloods on the floor in stock exchanges everywhere, S&P executives are laughing all the way to the bank.  What better way for its senior executives to make some quick and serious bucks without arousing an iota of suspicion?


The CIA, however, has a different take.  They think the downgrade was politically motivated and those behind it are, you guess it, the Talibans.  They know they can’t beat the Yanks in the battlefield so they decided to go for the financial jugular of their arch enemy by paying S&P for the downgrade.  Now that they know it works, more politically-motivated down- and upgrades could follow.


Both the FBI and CIA are now pursuing these lines of enquiries.