Imagine this...


Peter Wu

8 January 2013


What you see below is repeated in every living room across America.

Alongside the TV/DVD remotes, grand kids’ photos, medication, a whiskey or two, he has hand guns. Not one, but three.

Why three? Presumably to:

a. pump enough slugs into the bad guy so he is well and truly dead,

b. as a back-up in case one of them jammed,

c. fire both guns at the same time like that we see in the cowboy movies,

d. as a deterrence to door-to-door salesmen. ‘Make my day Punk’!

e. as an ice-breaker. ‘Is this a Saturday Night Special from Gun Mart?’, ‘No, it’s a Clint Eastwood’s Magnum 45, it’s powerful enough to blow your head clean off’.

Oh, there could well be another reason for it – to shoot at the TV when the programme being aired is not to his liking.

If he has three hand guns in the lounge, I can only surmise he has more in his bedroom. It makes sense because you are more likely to be confronted with an intruder in your bedroom and therefore needs ready access to weapons.

The National Rifle Association has consistently argues that to make American safer, it needs more guns, not less. Yes, you’ve heard it right. America needs more guns because of the theory of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). If everyone is armed, you think twice before shooting because people can shoot back. Our Peter Tsang Sir has long advanced this theory so the NRA is merely copying him.

I whole-heartedly agree with the NRA’s and Tsang Sir’s argument. Tell you what, I spent a whole day at the shop the other day stocking up on my arsenal of guns – all manners of water pistols and pump-action water guns so I can start a mini world war at my backyard with my grand-son.