Dental Health (1)


Peter Cheung and Others

16 December 2011


Peter Cheung:

I visited my friend Charles and Linda, his wife, yesterday. Charles is recovering very well. He has no major problem in eating, walking, talking and sleeping. He will need another minor plastic surgery later. What he had is a rare case of brain Streptococcus infection, probably secondary to his dental infection. The abscess was removed (and five teeth). If all the bacterial infection is cleared (will be confirmed by another MRI and his state of health later), he would be fined physically. He is still very keen and sharp. The seriousness of his illness, his sudden early retirement, his love for his family and his friends---quite an emotional journey for him. He is in good hands---I witnessed an excellent nurse Linda taking care of him. If you have a serious toothache---see your dentist



Danny Li: 

I had a serious toothache the day before we started off our 5 Beauties' Road Trip. We decided to delay our trip for one day so I could see my dentist -- I was told that my infection could possibly caused brain infection if I didn't make that decision to see him first.



Peter Cheung:

I found out my teeth problem needs extra care, not just regular care. I did not know it until it was too late. I have to rinse the problematic area 3-4X/day with hydrogen peroxide. At Lok Ma Chau, I was looking for hydrogen peroxide because I just had a little bit left. But from now on I will be more careful about tooth infection.
The association between gum disease and heart disease is still unknown.
Probably it is the overactive white blood cells (eg in diabetes and obesity) that cause the inflammation in areas that are constantly being bothered by germs or high blood pressure/oxidation.
Your advice is always welcome.




You just got a very good example out of our beloved Charles. Please GO SEE YOUR DENTIST ASAP. Most people don't like going to the dental office and that's understandable. The fact is, at our age, regular tooth cleaning and check up is vital to maintain our good health.
Please pick up that phone and make your appointment.




I totally agree with Johnson. I don't know anyone who enjoys seeing dentist regularly. But dental exam is a good way to screen oral cancer and reduce the chance of heart attack and stroke.


Check out this article if you have not seen it:




...........To be continued............