

Peter Cheung & Others

 14 August 2013



Kay: 我一年前巳證實患上了疼風症, 一不留神吃錯了東西便痛到死!現時甚麽山珍海味,游水海鮮及貝殼海產只得亇睇字,Dim 都唔敢Dim。就連菇類豆類都唔食得。我知道黃豆更容易中招,但如果巳除殼的黃豆粉(見附圖)我可以飲用嗎?


Peter Cheung:


Kay, As I was googling for info about gout disease, I find that some people have tried to lower blood uric acid level by donating blood. I think it may work to lessen the symptoms. Red Cross may not take your blood as high uric acid is not good for transfusion. If you are interested to give it a try, I would suggest you to contact a research lab in HKU or Chinese U who do research with blood. You will get paid for your participation and the benefit of lowering your uric acid. If you have never donate blood before, it may sound scary. But it is bad at all. Just dont do it more than 3 times a year. You may see other benefits besides lowering your uric acid.

Think about it!



Peter, Thank you so much for your advice.  Tell you frankly, I’ve never try donating blood before, because I’m afraid of any kind of injection and even vaccination....   
Once again, thank you for your expertise advice.




-To be continued-