Wow ....


資料提供者:Sidddney Chen


Incredible shot of Spiral Aurora Borealis    螺旋的北極光


Hidden Beach, Mexico    墨西哥隱密沙灘


The Rare and Mysterious Grinning Monkey Orchids  . Monkeys stared at them too long. 猴子看多了的花


Hobbiton, New Zealand.   新西蘭


Triglav National Park near the town of Bovec in Slovenia   斯羅維尼亞國家公園


Turquoise Ice at Northern Lake Baikal, Russia 蘇俄拜客湖的藍色冰


Arabian Sand Cat  沙烏地阿拉伯的沙貓


Bora Bora French Polynesia 法屬波利尼西亞  : 波拉波拉


Notre Dame Church - Montréal, Canada  加拿大蒙特利市 鐘樓 ( 駝俠住過的 )


Molyvos village in Lesvos, Greece.  希臘村莊


Turquoise, Plitvice Lake, Croatia  克羅地亞碧藍的 普利特斯湖


Great picture of A Walrus's reaction after being presented with a fish cake for his birthday 



Skaftafell Ice Cave in Iceland 冰島的冰窟


Waitomo Glow worm Caves, New Zealand  新西蘭的螢火蟲洞


Tunnel of Love, Ukraine 烏克蘭的愛之隧道


The beautiful Ice Cream Tulips  冰淇淋鬱金香


Mount Roraima one of the oldest geological formations on Earth 委內瑞拉羅賴瑪山為古老地質形成