'Over and Over' by Nana Mouskouri


資料提供者:KT Lai

20 March 2013



希臘國寶級歌后,雅典的白玫瑰藝術家 - 女高音歌唱家: 娜娜·穆斯酷麗演唱猶太民歌 -  'OVER AND OVER' by Nana Mouskouri(非常好聽,且朗朗上口)《一遍又一遍》



I never dare to reach for the moon I never thought I'd know heaven so soon I couldn't hope to say how I feel The joy in my heart no words can reveal.


我從來不敢摘取月亮 我從未想到這麼快就了解天堂 我不期望說出我的感受 我內心的喜悅無法表達


Over and over I whisper your name  Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever, no more good-byes


一遍又一遍我呢喃你的名字 一遍又一遍我吻你 我看見你的眼神充滿愛情 愛情是永遠不再分離


Now just a memory the tears that I cried Now just a memory the sighs that I sighed Dreams that I cherished all have come true All my tomorrows I give to you


現在只是記憶的淚, 我哭了  現在, 我只是一個記憶的感嘆 所有我珍愛的夢都已成真 明天我給你我所有


Over and over I whisper your name  Over and over I kiss you again  I see the light of love in your eyes Love is forever, no more good-byes


一遍又一遍我呢喃你的名字 一遍又一遍我吻你 我看見你的眼神充滿愛情 愛情是永遠不再分離


Life's summer leaves may turn into gold The love that we share will never grow old  Here in your arms no words far away  Here in your arms forever I'll stay


生命的夏葉可能變成枯黃 我們的愛情永遠常青 在你懷抱裡我默默不語 我要永遠留在你的懷抱


Over and over I whisper your name Over and over I kiss you again I see the light of love in your eyes  Love is forever, no more good-byes


一遍又一遍我呢喃你的名字 一遍又一遍我吻你 我看見你的眼神充滿愛情  愛情是永遠不再分離