Five short laughs!!

資料提供者:KT Lai



No 1

A lady lost three panties in her house and blamed her maid in front of the husband.

Maid said, "sir, you are my witness you know I never wear panties".

I Am sure the husband wishes the ground could open up and swallow him...


No. 2

A man went to the pub with his wife.

When he left for the counter to buy drinks a prostitute approached his wife and whispered:

"You must DEMAND cash before sex, I know him he doesn't pay".

Now, someone is in deep trouble.....


No. 3 - Classic

An 11 year old boy is accused of rape*.

In court, his lady lawyer holds his dick out as evidence saying, "Your honour see this, can he rape* with this tiny tot?

The boy whispers, "Don't shake it, any more, we'll lose the case!" **************************************

No. 4

A short quickie lesson in political philosophy..!



No. 5 People & Government

One of the best illustrations of this relationship I have ever seen...!