
Top 10 best cities to live in 2011



資料提供者:CK Wan

No U.S. city is on the list! Way to go Australia,

  Top 10 best cities to live in 2011


   Reputable analyst firm Economist Intelligence Unit published a ranking of the best cities to live in 2011. The rating fell in two Russian cities: St. Petersburg took 68th place, and Moscow - 70.

Quality of life in 140 cities across the company's experts evaluated on 30 parameters, including safety, 
health, social stability, education, infrastructure development, availability of goods and services, the environment and the diversity of cultural life.

Let us begin with the last, 10th place.

10 place. Auckland, New Zealand, 95.7 points

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At the 10th spot is the city of Auckland . This is the largest city in New Zealand with a population of about 1.3 million people, a quarter of the total population.

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Today Auckland is the economic and cultural center of New  Zealand . To historic attractions the city is not rich, but here  its scenic beauty, Auckland affects many hearts of those here  comes first. One of the attractions - Sky Tower high-rise  Tower ( Sky Tower ) 328 feet tall - the tallest building of the South  Hemisphere


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3. Auckland is surrounded by three marine bays in the precincts of the city has 48 extinct volcanoes. Night Auckland


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4. Panorama of Auckland with Sky Tower


9th place. Adelaide, Australia, 95.9 points


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9th place belongs to the capital and the largest city of South Australia , the fifth-largest city with a population of over 1.1 million people - a city Adelaide .


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6. It is named in honor of the queen - the wife of King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, sits on the throne from 1830 to 1837 years.


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The city is located on the ocean. The central part of Adelaide high-rise, with several modern skyscrapers is small, and the rest of town has one or two storey in nature. Perfect cleanliness, accuracy and flawless finish of buildings - the card of Adelaide . Victoria Fountain


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Here, tourists are attracted to Adelaide , the third largest in Australia  Kangaroo Island - Wildlife with a colony of sea lions and  perfect for fishing the coast. Average income per worker  Adelaide is no different from the corresponding figure for the country, however,  quality of life and property values ​​here are significantly lower than in  other major cities in Australia . Kangaroo Island


8th place. Perth, Australia, 95.9 points


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Perth - the largest city and capital of Western Australia with a population of  About 1.2 million people, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean .


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The city is considered one of the main economic centers in Australia . Here  mined gold, diamonds and nickel. It was here that are the largest in  the world discovered deposits of gold and nickel in the vicinity of Kalgoorlie, as well as 
the world's leading diamond-district Kimberley, which is the
 main  South African rival, and Yakutia diamond deposits.


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11. Modern skyscrapers - a characteristic detail the Perth cityscape


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Perth is called "the pearl of Australia ." Old buildings, convenient  pedestrian zone in the heart of Perth , the beautiful views of the river make Perth 
very attractive for tourists.


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13. One of the attractions - meteorite crater Wolf Creek


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14. Many are involved with mild and equable Mediterranean climate of Perth, beautiful beaches, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.


7th place. Sydney, Australia, 96.1 rating


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Australia 's largest city in the south-east coast - Sydney . He  twice the area of 
​​another huge city - New York , and 
the main problem for all travelers - as time to see how 


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The number of parks and green oases, making Sydney unlike other  major cities on the planet: close to the skyscrapers in the City - 34 acres 
the Royal Botanic Gardens


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In summer the whole of life in Sydney is moving from the City to the beaches here more than 20  the city's beaches and harbors a dozen. The most famous Bondi Beach (Bondi)  - Favorite of surfers in Sydney .


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Sydney in the evening incredibly handsome promenade lights on skyscrapers  permeate water harbor. One of the most recognizable buildings in Sydney -  building the Sydney Opera House


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Another main attraction of Sydney - the Harbour Bridge . This is the most  big bridge city and one of the largest steel arch bridges in 


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20. An aerial view of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House


6th place. Helsinki, Finland, 96.2 points


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21. Helsinki - the capital and largest city of Finland with a population of 578 thousand people.


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Streets curve around bays, bridges connect the islands, and ferries  communicate with the remote islands. Helsinki smelling  sea 
​​and in ports is constant noise from incoming and outgoing  ships.


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Helsinki is the hub of business, education, culture and science  Finland . In Greater Helsinki University are 8 and 6 
technology parks. View of the city center. One of the  Helsinki attractions - the Cathedral


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24. 70% of foreign companies operating in Finland are located in the city.


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25. Built on the peninsulas and islands of the Baltic coastline, Helsinki is a maritime city.


5th place. Calgary, Canada, 96.6 points


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Calgary - largest city in the province of Alberta in Canada, in  foothills and prairie, about 80 km east of the watershed of the Canadian 
Rocky Mountains .


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27. The city is one of the sunniest in Canada - the sun shines an average of 2,400 hours there each year.


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Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian  Rocky Mountains and the Canadian prairies, so it is quite a relief 
hilly. Center height above sea level, Calgary is  approximately 1048 m.


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Life in Calgary, one way or another, revolves around oil. Its  deposits discovered in the early 20th century. Despite this, the  city 
​​is considered by many organizations one of the cleanest in the world.


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Olympic Plaza area. In the distance you can see the famous landmark  - Calgary Tower ( Calgary Tower ), the height of 91 m. It is designed  so that, gently swaying in the wind, even at very 
strong gusts to maintain its stability


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31. The business part of Calgary, 2010


4th. Toronto, Canada, 97.2 points


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32. Toronto - Canada 's largest city and provincial capital of Ontario . The current name of the city received in 1834.


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Toronto - Canada's most cosmopolitan city, about 49% of the population  are immigrants. View of the city from a helicopter, November 2010


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In Toronto and is also the longest street in the world - Young Street 
inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records and has a length of 1896 km.  It is the largest zoo in the world. The area of ​​the zoo  total 283 hectares. Here, in conditions close to the natural environment  habitat contains about 5,000 different animals. The view from the heights on  Toronto on the other hand


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«CN tower» - the world's tallest tower, built in 1976  year. Its height is with a spire 553 meters and 446 meters at an altitude of  is enclosed observation deck.


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36. It is difficult to find the point where it had not been visible TV tower


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Toronto Islands - a perfect place for recreation and picnics.
This love  get local residents and tourists. View of town from the island


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The main attraction is the Niagara area of 
​​ Toronto  waterfall. It is situated between Lake Ontario and Erie on the border with the U.S.  140 km from Toronto


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39. And such seems Toronto in the near future


3rd place. Melbourne, Australia, 97.5 points


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Melbourne - the second largest city in Australia with a population of about 3.8  million and the capital of Victoria . The city is considered one of the main  commercial, industrial and cultural centers in Australia . It is also  often referred to as sports and cultural capital of the country.


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Melbourne is considered to be the most beautiful city in Australia . Here  There are exquisite Victorian architecture and wonderful nature.


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42. Lovers of Victorian architecture is worth a walk down the street Suonston. It is the central street of the city


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Besides, who wants to see all at once in Melbourne, is on the rise  Rialto Towers Observation Deck. This skyscraper, whose height  is 253 meters. View from Rialto Tower


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44. One of the attractions - Victorian Arts Centre


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45. Yarra River , Melbourne


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2nd place. Vienna, Austria, 97.9 points


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Vienna - capital of Austria, situated in the eastern part of the country. 
The population of the suburbs of Vienna is about 2.3 million


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48. This is one of the most charming cities in Europe, lying on the banks of the Danube .


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Vienna - a world-renowned center for music, thanks to a long line of  well-known musicians who lived and worked in this city: Mozart 
Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert.


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Here there are palaces and majestic squares, picturesque  streets and numerous parks. One of the most recognizable buildings in the city - City Hall


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Imperial Palace - winter residence of the Austrian Habsburgs and the main  residence of the imperial court in Vienna . At the present time -  the official residence of the President of Austria . A total of 2600 rooms and it  Rooms


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Located near the capital of the Vienna woods - a mountain massif in Austria . 
This is a wonderful natural recreation area - a forest area with  own towns and hotels, spas and hot springs


1st place. Vancouver, Canada, 98.0 points


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So, we got to the 1st place. According to market research firm  Economist Intelligence Unit, 
the best city on earth to live  Vancouver is.


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Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada, on the shore  picturesque bay at the foot of Pacific Coast ranges 
North American Cordillera.


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It's third-largest city in Canada with a population of 2.433 million people and 
the largest settlement in British Columbia . Vancouver with  altitude of 500 meters


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56. Vancouver Night


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57. One of the most beautiful cities in the country surrounded by thick pine forests, snow-capped mountains and fjords.


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58. Through the many rivers of the city was laid 20 bridges, 3 of which are movable.


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This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world ocean. There is a spacious and  beaches, and lush parks, magnificent architecture and buildings. Tourists  around the world are attracted by comfortable hotels, many museums, 
shops, restaurants and sports facilities.



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Vancouver has a mild climate, being part of a unique ecosystem -  temperate rainforest, so the summer is mild and not hot, but 
in winter it snows rarely. Research Center


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61. The famous Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, which is located on the hill Little Mountain
