Dam Bridge in Holland



資料提供者:Sidddney Chen




確定水不會因大雨灌進來 ?     Dam sure water won't flood in ? Never rained heavily?


荷蘭為保護強大的鄰國 (西班牙, 法蘭西 ) 入侵, 在十七世紀築堤, 並設護城河,


這些河的深度 人走太深  船渡太淺 . 於是至今堤壩受到保存.


為方便參觀 特建水中橋 讓遊客能橫渡河. 所見的橋使用防朽防水的人工木 ( 處理過的原木)


保證不腐蝕.  遠看根本看不到下陷的橋 , 好像是摩西把紅海分開


咋看橋的兩旁水平線一致 , 好像水是流通的, 但實際已被橋斷開 .  


橋的壁能抵受水壓  是因傾斜的結構 .


還有不安全之處嗎 ?

No, your eyes are not deceiving you - the waters have indeed parted! This incredible sunken bridge located in the Netherlands is giving visitors a unique way to access a beautiful 17th Century Dutch fort. Designed by RO & AD Architects, the Moses Bridge literally parts the waters that surround the fort, allowing pedestrians to pass through. The bridge is made from sustainable Accsys Technologies Accoya wood, which is both FSC and PEFC certified.


A series of moats and fortresses were built over the West Brabant Water Line region of the Netherlands during the 17th century in order to provide protection from invasion by France and Spain. Fort de Roovere was surrounded with a shallow moat that was too deep to march across, and too shallow for boats. In turn the earthen fort had remained protected until now.

From afar, the Moses Bridge is invisible to the eye. The flow of the moat appears continuous, as the water level remains at the same level, reflecting the surrounding foliage. As visitors approach the fort, the bridge appears as a break in the water with its sloping walls containing it.

First lying flush with the earth, the bridge then descends deeper into the ground. Lined with wood sheet piling for walls, the deck and stairs sit between. The bridge and its components have been made from sustainable hardwood that is Cradle to Cradle Gold certified. The Accoya wood is also treated with a nontoxic coating, protecting it from fungal decay and increasing its durability an ideal material for a sunken bridge. Like a dam, the walls of the bridge hold the waters of the moat back, and like Moses, the bridge parts the waters so that pedestrians may pass.

The Moses Bridge gives visitors a unique opportunity to pass through parted waters, to eventually meet a historic fortress of defense.