Dubai. Here is a shady side

of this vacation paradise!




資料提供者:Sidddney Chen




迪拜黑暗的一面, 建築宏偉, 但沒有排圬下水道, 需用車隊大量運走城市的糞便。


Isn't this something?! They can build palaces in the desert but they haven't figured out how a sewer system works. Amazing.


Well they never used a sewage system before why should they start



Dubai holiday on your wish list?


Here is a shady (shitty??) side of this vacation paradise!


Despite all the gold and gloss and extravagance you can’t take the 3rd world aspects out of the reality and make them a classy 21st century modern country.


Apparently Dubai doesn't have a sewage system for all those big new buildings and the more than million people living thereso they haul it all away.


Look at the number of tank trucks that are waiting to dump their load.

That is a lot of shit.


I suspect too that the same convoy is used to transport crude oil from the dump site back to oil refineries. 


No wonder the fossil fuel burns like shit.