The Fallen 9,000 ( 9000 )



資料提供者:Sidddney Chen




2013-9-25 和平日:在法國諾曼第海灘,英國兩位藝術家趁退潮在 60 個志工幫忙下翻沙畫出  9000 具ㄕ體祭悼盟軍和德軍在登陸搶灘一戰的犧牲者,志工後來有聞風者加入至 500人。




9,000 Fallen Soldiers Etched into the sand on a Normandy Beach to Commemorate Peace Day on September 25, 2013. This is how you honor those that served in WWII other than locking them out of their monument.

This past weekend British artists Jamie Wardley and Andy Moss accompanied by numerous volunteers, took to the beaches of Normandy with rakes and stencils in hand to etch 9,000 silhouettes representing fallen people into the sand. Titled The Fallen 9000, the piece is meant as a stark visual reminder of the civilians, Germans and allied forces who died during the D-Day beach landings at Arromanches on June 6th, 1944 during WWII. The original team consisted of 60 volunteers, but as word spread nearly 500 additional local residents arrived to help with the temporary installation that lasted only a few hours before being washed away by the tide.