History of Cuban Chinese 古巴唐人街



資料提供者:KT Lai




Cuban Chinese History古巴唐人街


This article below may seem very interesting, intriguing and amazing, but to the origins of the Chinese Migrations that happened since time begun it was something that had to take shape over a very long time. Waves of migration that moved unknowingly and unwittingly with the changes in time, and yet to their descendants of today those tales were near unbelievable.


Millions of years ago the Chinese Migration started in search for food across the Arctic and over to the North America. They left what you have now as Eskimos. Some of these later moved down into central America (which you now call the U.S.A.) leaving behind in later days – the Red Indians. At a much later stage some of these then moved further South into what they founded the Incas.


Although the colour of their skins may have changed and their languages varied, notice that their features were retained in some ways. Their will to strive and work hard to meet any oncoming hazards and disasters of nature. Their solemnest and integrity in facing the world of changes. Notice their unity in community living and cooperation? It was pointed out in some text I came across that even the Incas had the same kind of clothing as the Tibetans or the Hill People in China or Mongolia. And, hey, they even measure their days and time by the Moon cycle (in other words – follow the Lunar Calendar, oops, no calendar used during those days). It was only much later that the Japanese and Koreans were formed, after being exiled by the Emperor of China at different times.


So we must admit that the act of migration is in the blood stream of the Chinese from the very early days. And they adapted themselves easily into whatever conditions and improvised techniques to beat the challenges as and when deemed fit. It is no wonder that wherever they moved to they brought their economic system with them. There is also a small Chinese village in Northern India, very much the same as any Chinatown in other countries. In fact the Indian government had allowed them to run the village without any interruption because they claim that this little village had improved on the Indian economy.


Likewise, the Chinese in any one area all over the world can just up-and-go if conditions do not suit them, as what we have seen in this “Chinatown of Cuba”. And come to think of it….APA NAMA ITU, Malaysia is nothing so special. It was only about 40 years ago that this country flourished. Half the Chinese are gone now and can somebody tell me the truth? Will this country rise again the way it is? The PM is going around asking for ‘Asylum’ trading with Australia. A biggest smuggle of all I’d say!!!!


When we witness a video like this one we should reflect back on what is going to happen to the place where we have our roots. No point exclaiming the intrigue. Facts are there despite the damning lies of Politicians.


A very interesting video. Chinese now come in different shade, shape and colour............like the Jews.


Cuban Chinese History古巴唐人街






Will you believe if I tell you that there was once a bustling Chinese community in Cuba….


A very interesting insight into the Chinese diaspora in early Cuba


Chinatown in Cuba .... http://vimeo.com/18997506