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What the f...?
Increased fines for offensive language leave bad taste in mouths of critics

Potty-mouthed citizens of NSW, take note - swearing in public could soon cost you three times as much as it used to.

When the state government more than tripled the on-the-spot fine for swearing in public last week, critics were left asking "what the f---"?

As part of the raft of legislation to tackle alcohol-fuelled violence, police will soon be able to issue fines of up to $500 to anyone that displays offensive language, up from $150.

But there is no official list of the words you will pay to use.

Scott Webber, from the NSW Police Association, said deciding whether someone's language was offensive was a “nightmare” and relied on subjective judgment.

He said fines were usually issued after an initial warning and particularly when f--- and c--- were used aggressively and in a public space, such as near a school, a main street or in a park.

But he said the police force welcomed the greater fine.

“We see time and time again offensive language being used in the CBD and across NSW ... the increase in fine [will] act as a deterrent but on top of that we need to make sure people are aware of the increase ... that it is a lot better than taking them to court."

Critics like solicitor Jane Sanders, from free legal service The Shop Front Legal Youth Centre, said swearing was part of everyday vernacular and the laws unfairly targeted minority groups like Aboriginal people and young people.

“The offence should be done away with altogether,” she said. “Increasing the penalties is not going to deter people from behaving in this way”.

“[Police] just don't like people disrespecting their authority, they don't like being sworn at – not because they're offended by their words, it's language widely used among police officers themselves, widely used by the community.”

The new fine is the highest on-the-spot penalty for swearing in Australia.

Police in Victoria can fine you $240, while in Queensland it will cost just $100 if you let one drop in public.

The only other state where fines are issued on-the-spot is South Australia.

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell said the increased fine was “a sufficient amount to act as a deterrent for this unacceptable behaviour".

The criminal offence of offensive language is often part of a "trifecta" of infringement notices - the original offence, resisting arrest and offensive language.

NSW courts have been reluctant to issue convictions over swearing – in 2010, Magistrate Pat O'Shane ruled that calling cops "f---ing pigs" was not offensive.

But the power that police have to fine offenders at the time of the offence means many incidences of swearing do not make it to court.

In the 12 months to September 2013, 4,289 incidences of offensive language were recorded, according to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. That number was down 10 per cent on the previous 12-month period.

In 2012, the NSW Law Reform Commission was inclined to suggest abolishing offensive language offences because the test for what was considered offensive was “subjective and difficult for an enforcement officer to determine”, the conduct caused “relatively minimal harm" and the fines were inconsistent because they depended on where the offence took place.

It recommended the government investigate further before abolishing the offence.

The Shop Front Legal Youth Centre was a stakeholder in the commission's consultation process.

A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Greg Smith, SC, said the government did not believe an inquiry into the offence was warranted.

“People have the right to use public places free from verbal abuse. The job of police is difficult enough without having to put up with offensive language by anyone, including people intoxicated by drugs and alcohol.”

Fines have also been increased for offensive behaviour (from $200 to $500), for intoxicated and disorderly behaviour following a direction to move-on (from $200 to $1100) and for continued intoxicated and disorderly behaviour (from $660 to $1,650).
(6.2.2014 Sydney Morning Herald)

看到這則新聞我不禁失笑?在新省公眾地方講粗口是犯法的,我3年前的再論他媽的一文粗畧講過。凖確一些講,不限於「炒媽拆蟹」的髒話(potty-mouthed),法律上的字眼是offensive language。怎樣才算offensive 呢?Offensive language在香港的法例裏譯作「咒罵」、「使人反感的語言」、「冒犯性的語言」及「使人厭惡的語言」等。怎樣介定這種語言並非易事,如果是粗口,當然容易判斷,粗鄙的話認受性就因人而異。我失笑的原因是老外常講的f...,在很多電影裏由頭「忽」到尾,在這裏的公眾地方講卻會犯法。香港去年的what the f...事件,講的人不犯法,卻惹了連串風波。想起來都算諷刺。



攜幼女輪急症 稱被罵「發緊癲」





等醫生兩小時與醫護爭執 否認爆粗



醫生:當日繁忙 「發癲」非指被告



明報記者 黃建邦 陳倢朗 羅慧茵


條: 7 條文標題: 禁止作出某些行為 版本日期: 30/06/1997

(1) 任何人不得在醫院內
(a) 管有、保管或掌管任何動物、雀鳥或魚類;
(b) 有告示批准的地方以外吸煙或使用無罩的燈火;
(c) 使用可能令他人厭惡或煩擾的言語;
(d) 任出不雅或影響秩序的行為;
(e) 製造或引致產生令醫院內病人煩擾的噪音;
(f) 未經醫院內病人同意,拍攝照片、影片或錄像影片,把其容貌勾劃出來;或 (1991年第436號法律公告)
(g) 未經院方職員同意,拍攝照片、影片或錄像影片,把醫院病房勾劃出來,而除非拍攝工作對病人造成或有可能造成煩擾或打擾,或對病人的治療造成或有可能造成不良影響,否則院方職員不得拒絕讓該等拍攝工作進行。 (1991年第436號法律公告)
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