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黎棟國譴責滋擾內地客研提控 (12:16)




某些本土派發動的「反蝗」行動,是否構成「在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為」罪,是一個法律加檢控政策的問題。法律方面的考慮可以拿著終審法院周諾恆及黃軒瑋案訂下的法律原則來考慮。考慮「擾亂秩序行為」(disorderly behaviour),是一個結合字面意思及在該時空之下,因應整個環境的考慮。判辭有關這方面的講法,在下面引用這兩段:

66. In the same case, the Divisional Court held that the proper approach is that of the House of Lords in Brutus v Cozens[34]where their Lordships decided that the meaning of “insulting behaviour” was a question of fact for the trial court. As Lord Reid held in Brutus v Cozens:

“The meaning of an ordinary word of the English language is not a question of law. The proper construction of a statute is a question of law.”[35]

67. In my view, that is the approach which should be adopted in Hong Kong. As Gleeson CJ pointed out in Coleman v Power:[36]

“Concepts of what is disorderly, or indecent, or offensive, vary with time and place, and may be affected by the circumstances in which the relevant conduct occurs.”

另一考慮是這些「反蝗」人士的行為是否有意圖去激起在場其他人破壞公眾安寧(intent to provoke a breach of the peace)。這一點下面引用判辭的一段是精要所在:

79. However, a person may provoke a breach of the peace without any violence or threat of violence on his part: “... it suffices that his conduct is such that the natural consequence of it is violence from some third party”.[55] That third party need not be the person provoked or a by-stander, it could, for instance, be a member of the provoker’s group.[56] The actual or feared harm must be unlawful[57] and, where the harm is anticipated, there must be a real risk and not the mere possibility of such harm.[58] Moreover, the anticipated harm must be imminent.[59]



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