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太古城華山分行 : 2569 1339
沙田銀禧分行 : 2636 1380
太古城明宮分行 : 2560 3738
沙田第一城專責組 : 2647 1838
杏花邨專責組 : 2898 0007
尖沙咀總行 : 2569 2192
太古城華山分行 : 2569 1339
沙田第一城專責組 : 2647 1838
沙田銀禧分行 : 2636 1380
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杏花邨專責組 : 2898 0007
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早兩日趁裝修未動工叫朋友來吃飯,東拉西扯,天南地北,喧喧鬧鬧,十分嘈吵的過了一夜,因為這班朋友見識廣博,話題又專又闊,七嘴八舌,各抒己見。今天開始裝修,在真正嘈吵聲中渡過,明天請早。晚飯時討論的其中一個課題是Epping Murder,有朋友提出,還未定罪,為何可以扣押這麽久:下面就是新南威爾斯州的Bail Act 2013第17條所列出的保釋準則:

17 Requirement to consider unacceptable risk

(1) A bail authority must, before making a bail decision, consider whether there are any unacceptable risks.
(2) For the purposes of this Act, an 
"unacceptable risk" is an unacceptable risk that anaccused person, if released from custody, will:
(a) fail to appear at any proceedings for the offence, or
(b) commit a serious offence, or
(c) endanger the safety of victims, individuals or the community, or
(d) interfere with witnesses or evidence.
(3) A bail authority is to consider the following matters, and only the following matters, in deciding whether there is anunacceptable risk:
(a) the accused person’s background, including criminal history, circumstances and community ties,
(b) the nature and seriousness of the offence,
(c) the strength of the prosecution case,
(d) whether the accused person has a history of violence,
(e) whether the accused person has previously committed a serious offence while on bail,
(f) whether the accused person has a pattern of non-compliance with bail acknowledgmentsbail conditionsapprehended violence orders, parole orders or good behaviour bonds,
(g) the length of time the accused person is likely to spend in custody if bail is refused,
(h) the likelihood of a custodial sentence being imposed if the accused person is convicted of theoffence,
(i) if the accused person has been convicted of theoffence and proceedings on an appeal against conviction or sentence are pending before a court, whether the appeal has a reasonably arguable prospect of success,
(j) any special vulnerability or needs the accused person has including because of youth, being an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or having a cognitive or mental health impairment,
(k) the need for the accused person to be free to prepare for their appearance in court or to obtain legal advice,
(l) the need for the accused person to be free for any other lawful reason.
(4) The following matters (to the extent relevant) are to be considered in deciding whether an offence is a seriousoffence (or the seriousness of an offence), but do not limit the matters that can be considered:
(a) whether the offence is of a sexual or violent nature or involves the possession or use of an offensive weapon or instrument within the meaning of theCrimes Act 1900 ,
(b) the likely effect of the offence on any victim and on the community generally,
(c) the number of offences likely to be committed or for which the person has been granted bail or released on parole.

(5) If the person is not in custody, the question of whether there are any unacceptable risks is to be decided as if the person were in custody and could be released as a result of the bail decision.

以Epping謀殺案而言,兇殘手法奪去5條人命 ,當然是極嚴重的案件,按照上面所列的法例,不予被告保釋可考慮




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