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今天後園砍樹,砍後滿目瘡痍,還有兩棵不打算斬的也斬了,一堆沒有講過要斬的也斬了,來斬樹的不是來接頭的,來接頭的明天才來做stump grinding,磨掉十幾個樹頭。我質問鋸樹那傢伙:

Me: I told you to cut the tall ones only.

Him: what is tall is subjective.

Me: True. But when in doubt ask for avoidance of doubt. You have to make sure you do not cut the wrong ones beyond all reasonable doubt.

Him: I know you don't like me.

Me: Well that is not true. I am friendly and I shook hand with you when you arrived in the morning.

Him: I know people do not like me when they look at my face.

Me: In that case do you want to start killing people with your chainsaw like the bloke in the States when no girls like him and he started the rampage of random killing.  Why don't you go to Korea to get plastic surgery then?



出自《左傳》的篳路藍縷並不是真的講開山劈石的意思,我只在verbicide一番。樹都斬錯了,本來也算數,點知嗰條友寸嘴,蝦標少英文唔好,咁我咪同佢鬥吓嘴,如果係鍾黐筋,佢咪係講 I don't think so 囉。朋友問我既然覺得渺小如微塵,點解會咁寸。我話就算微塵也應寸就寸。嗰條友仲問我:

Him: You are from China?

Me: I am from Hong Kong. Can't you tell the difference? Do you feel I  have a different flair?

近日十分困身,裝修了兩星期,那些大哥每天一早就來,還要多挨四星期。這兩星期就不斷用別腳的普通話溝通。替我裝修的大哥來自國內,英文不靈光。有一天他收到客人用英文傳來的訊息,哎!大家中國人,總是用英文,明知我英文不行。我幫你看及回覆,好吧。之後又傳來,我又權充秘書,跟他講知道啦,謝謝,好不好呀?好,是不是I know. Thank you? 不是,應該講 Noted.  Thank you.


我諗佢會話:I know la.  Thank'y you.
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