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Dear All,
Apparently we are embroiled in the controversy of the name of the book. For avoidance of doubt, when I was asked to be a member of the sub-committee for the sole purpose of publication of the book, I was given the understanding the book is called 中大人在悉尼. Once the sub-committee was set up, in the first meeting, no discussion of the name of the book was brought up. I believe everyone working on the sub-committee assumes the name of the book was decided by the committee of the Association. It was only in the second meeting when the question was raised whether to call Sydney 雪梨 or 悉尼 then a decision was made to unify the name. The unification of the Chinese name of Sydney refers to when articles received using both names, which one is preferred. As far as the name is concerned, I do not see any political issue there. Nor do I see political affiliation of the communist party or atrocity of the totalitarian government. The name is just as simple as a name. It does not connote anything else. After all, someone has to decide which name to take.
I can see now two committee members of the Association expressing a strong feeling about the name of the book, do you think it is a matter best decided by the Association committee rather than the delegated sub-committee. I say this on the basis of the constitution. If the sub-committee was delegated with entire power to decide every aspect of the publication, the finality is there. If there is no discussion about the name of the book by the Association committee as a result of an inadvertent omission, then it may deem necessary to bring it backward before things proceed further. I really don’t mind tabling the issue back for the Association committee to decide. On the contrary, if it was the original intention of the Association for the delegation to extend to letting the sub-committee decide, then it is final.
I have to remind members that so far propagation of the publication has adopted the name中大人在悉尼 with press release, emails sent to members and non members, proforma designed and official correspondence exchanged between Alumni Affairs Office and us, should there be any new name given to the book, in the interest of the publication, prompt action is needed.


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