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Love can kill
I don't know if you have read the news I pasted below for you to read in case you have overlooked. If you want to kill your partner, give it a try. 中文標題可以叫《奪命咖喱雞》。

Love bite partially paralyses woman

January 21, 2011 - 10:49AM
A woman was partially paralysed by a love bite from her amorous(多情) partner, a New Zealand doctor has reported.
Teddy Wu said he believed it was the first time someone had been admitted to hospital as a result of a "hickey".(吻痕)(香港俗稱咖喱雞,台灣叫草莓strawberry)
An article on the case has appeared in the New Zealand Medical Journal.
Dr Wu said he saw the woman over a year ago while he was working in Middlemore Hospital in Auckland.
The 44-year-old Maori woman went to the emergency department after experiencing loss of movement in her left arm.
It happened while she was sitting watching television.
Her only injury was a love bite on the right of her neck near an artery.
"Because it was a love bite there would be a lot of suction, said Dr Wu, who now works in the neurology department at Christchurch Hospital.
"Because of the physical trauma it had made a bit of bruising inside the vessel.
"There was a clot in the artery underneath where the hickey was."
The clot had gone into the woman's heart and caused a minor stroke that led to the loss of movement, he said.
She was treated with warfarin, an anticoagulant.
That treatment made the clot disappear almost entirely within a week, he said.
"We looked around the medical literature and that example of having a love bite causing something like that hasn't been described before," he said.
If it had not been treated quickly the woman could have suffered more strokes.
"Strokes have different levels of severity. But possibly patients can become paralysed."
The woman was fine at a one-month follow-up appointment, the Journal reported
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