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尖沙咀總行 : 2569 2192
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尖沙咀總行 : 2569 2192
太古城華山分行 : 2569 1339
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近日香港的熱門話題是李家傑找代母生了三胞胎,繼而滋生了是否犯法的問題。我也湊熱鬧,講一下自己的看法,但我的重點是域外司法管轄權extra-territorial jurisdiction。傳媒報導了訪問幾位香港律師的看法,在我看來有些是似是而非的廢話,小弟為何口出狂言,看下去自有分曉。

香港法例第561章人類生殖科技條例Human Reproductive Technology Ordinance第16條是這熱門新聞相關的法例,寫法是「任何人不得在香港或其他地方. . . 」,問題出在「其他地方」這幾個字。以下是今日(十月三十日)明報的報導




那麼有域外司法管轄權的法例嗎?有,譬如香港法例第200章刑事罪行條例Crimes Ordinance第153P條

Chapter: 200
Title: CRIMES ORDINANCE Gazette Number: L.N. 232 of 2003
Section: 153P Heading: Extra-territorial effect of sexual offence provisions listed in Schedule 2 Version Date: 19/12/2003

Certain sexual offences committed against
children outside Hong Kong; related
arrangements and advertisements
(Added 31 of 2003 s. 16)

(1) Where—
(a) (i) a person who is a Hong Kong permanent resident or who ordinarily resides in Hong Kong;
(ii) a body corporate that is incorporated or registered in Hong Kong; or
(iii) a body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, that has a place of business in Hong Kong,
commits any act outside Hong Kong; and
(b) the act—
(i) would have constituted an offence under any of the provisions specified in Schedule 2 had it been committed in Hong Kong; and
(ii) is committed in relation to a person under the age of 16 or, in the case of an offence under section 123 or 140, under the age of 13,
Hong Kong that—
(a) would have constituted an offence under any of the provisions specified in Schedule 2 had it been committed in Hong Kong; and
(b) is committed in relation to a person who is a Hong Kong permanent resident or who ordinarily resides in Hong Kong and is— then the person or body shall be guilty of that offence.
(2) Where any person or body of persons, whether corporate or unincorporate, commits any act outside
(i) under the age of 16; or
(ii) in the case of an offence under section 123 or 140, under the age of 13,
then the person or body shall be guilty of that offence.
(3) Where a defendant is charged with an offence that is an offence by virtue of subsection (1) or (2) and involves a sexual act done by him with or to another person, it is a defence for the defendant to establish that—
(a) at the time of the sexual act, there existed between the defendant and that other person a marriage that was valid, or recognized as valid, under the law of—
(i) the place where the marriage was solemnized;
(ii) the place where the sexual act was done; or
(iii) the place of the defendant's residence or domicile;
(b) when it was solemnized, the marriage was genuine; and
(c) at the time of the sexual act, that other person consented to the sexual act.
(Added 31 of 2003 s. 16)

幾年前我在中大校友會網頁上寫過一篇有關條例的文章,本月二十一日也看到一則引用有關條例的法庭案件。被告被控三項非禮,其中一項在2009年在悉尼酒店的房間裏發生,香港法庭有權審理正是法例清楚寫明,沒有含糊ambiguity的地方(下面的附文是明報的報導) 。


告訴母親 被誤會「痛錫」
香港法庭具域外司法管轄權的條例不多,另一條我可以找到的是香港法例第523章外層空間條例Outer Space Ordinance第14 (4) 條
Proceedings for an offence committed outside Hong Kong may be taken, and the offence may for all purposes be treated as having been committed in Hong Kong if the offence is committed by a permanent resident of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or a body corporate incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong. (Amended 28 of 1998 s. 2(1))

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