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Penrith 市長Kevin Crameri去年11月外訪東南亞3週,在中國期間鬧出性醜聞,現在停職候查。據悉尼晨報今天的報導,這老兄違反了市議會22項行為守則,下場堪虞。報導說

Mayor's China boob: fancy a threesome?

Kevin Crameri, awarded an OAM in 1999 for services to local government and the community, has stood down as mayor of Penrith - and faces possible suspension - following an investigation into allegations he behaved inappropriately on an overseas business trip.
Mr Crameri was on a three-week trip to East Asia last November, when he allegedly propositioned an interpreter for a threesome and commented on the chest sizes of Asian women.

An independent report, which will be considered at the Penrith Council meeting tomorrow, found he breached the council's code of conduct
22 times, including holding an interpreter's hand when he climbed the Great Wall of China and "cuddling" women who wanted photos taken with him. (Sydney Morning Herald 27/2/2011)

看看這老哥的尊容,晒乾了的新會柑皮,憑甚麼叫人玩3P?大概是鄉巴佬(country pumpkin)世面見得太少,一心以為參加了東南亞色慾團,失禮死人,有辱國體。欲睹皺皮柑真面目,自己去google search吧。

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