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保安局贊同修例 10歲男童可控強姦
以上一則新聞是明報今天的報導。法律改革委員會在2010年12日13日發表了名為The Common Law Presumption that a Boy under 14 is Incapable of Sexual Intercourse的報告,有關議題不具争議性,故此在發表報告之前並無諮詢公眾。
相關的普通法來自R v Phillips (1839)。在R v Waite(1892)Lord Coleridge CJ 重申"a boy under fourteen is under a physical incapacity to commit the offence [of rape]"。現在的兒童身體及思想都比以前早熟,所以男童14歲以下無性交能力的推定,絕對不合時宜。現行的法律並不容許控方提出推翻這推定的證據,所以2010年9月在東區醫院一名13歲男童強姦5歲女童一案,就算在醫學上能夠證明他的性能力,也只能控以非禮罪。倘若廢除了這推定,還有另一門檻。10歲以下的孩童,法律上受到不可能被定罪的保護,不會被檢控。In Hong Kong, section 3 of the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap 226) fixes the minimum age of criminal responsibility as 10 by providing that "it shall be conclusively presumed that no child under the age of 10 years can be guilty of an offence."
10至14歲的孩童,則受到無犯罪能力推定(doli incapax)的限制。無犯罪能力推定意思是涉案兒童先被推定沒有犯罪能力, 但如果控方能夠在無合理疑點下證明, 該兒童在犯罪時清楚知悉自己的行為是嚴重錯誤的, 而非純屬頑皮或是惡作劇, 則作別論。假如這項推定被推翻, 涉案兒童便要完全承擔刑事責任,也可因此而被落案檢控及定罪。In respect of a child aged between 10 and 14 years a rebuttable presumption of doli incapax applies. That means that the child will be presumed to be incapable of committing a crime unless the prosecution can prove beyond reasonable doubt that, at the time of the offence, the child was well aware that his or her act was seriously wrong, and not merely naughty or mischievous. If the presumption is rebutted, full criminal responsibility will be imposed on the child, who may then be charged, prosecuted and convicted.
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