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蕩婦上街 Slutwalk



The Slutwalk movement is coming to Australia.


Women in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide are grabbing their fishnets, stilettos and leopard print to march for the right to wear what they like and behave how they want without harassment in four separate slut walks.


Notices for the latest slutwalks only went up on Facebook on Sunday, but more than 3500 people have already registered for the protest marches Australia-wide, including 2500 in Melbourne alone.


Carmen Chan holds up a sign in front of police headquarters in Toronto, Canada 

Carmen Chan holds up a sign in front of police headquarters in Toronto, Canada


The Slutwalks started with one small protest march in Toronto on April 3, when women marched in defiance of a local policeman who told 10 college students that: "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."


多倫多這警察侮辱性的說話,惹來抗議,掀起一場運動。我是不太懂衣着禮儀(etiquette)的人,對於這場運動不敢置喙。雖然每人都有衣着的選擇權,我總以為衣着得宜,恰如其份,最為重要。去游泳不會穿西裝,去吃喜酒不會穿泳裝,正經的人不穿使人覺得不正經的服裝。Slut walk也好,lady walk也好,適當的衣着,是對朋友、主人家以及自己的一種尊重。談吐亦然,不管外貌尊容,出口便粗鄙骯話,怎樣好的人也大打折扣。

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