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上次寫使澳洲人蒙羞的總理一文,提到總理Tony Abbott猛烈抨擊澳洲人權專員公署(Australian Human Rights Commission),因為該署撰寫報告批評澳洲政府羈押難民兒童方法不人道。這件事繼續發酵。

先交待一下澳洲的人權狀況。澳洲並沒有訂定人權法,只有人權專員公署條例、年齡歧視條例、傷殘歧視條例、種族歧視條例及性别歧視條例。公署設有主席一職,其下設有7個專員(Commissioners),分别掌管原住民、年齡及傷殘、兒童、人權、種族、性別(等歧視)、私隱等7大範疇。主席一職由 Professor Gillian Triggs擔任。Prof. Triggs 原本是悉尼大學法律學院院長,自2012年起被委任主席一職,便放棄了教學。

政府對Prof Triggs撰寫的報告不滿,除了公開批評外,還打算取消對她的任命。意圖取消任命卻不敢名正言順,而是暗中抹黑,並刻意對傳媒放出風聲,説教授有意另謀高就,其實政府視她為眼中釘,要逼她走。看下Sydney Morning Herald今天的報導:

The row between the President of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, and the federal government has escalated, with Professor Triggs flatly denying she ever canvassed her possible resignation with other members of the commission.

In a statement to Fairfax Media on Friday, Professor Triggs said: "I deny any suggestion that I canvassed my future with other members of the commission at any time."

She continued: "It is ludicrous to suggest that I would have sought an alternative job when I am robustly refusing to resign. I have always intended to complete my full term as president of the Australian Human Rights Commission".


總理地位危矣,黨內要推倒他的人,藉著這件事的發酵,又可以凝聚更多力量,時機越來越成熟了,黨內對手Malcolm Turnbull四兩撥千斤,乘機講救救孩子,不單只跟總理口徑不同,還暗諷總理不仁。看下這傳媒報導。

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has directly contradicted Prime Minister Tony Abbott's scathing critique of Australian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs, heaping praise on the embattled professor and stressing the importance of getting children out of detention.

In question time on Tuesday, Mr Abbott said the government had lost confidence in Professor Triggs, declaring her report on children in detention a "stitch up".

But Mr Turnbull declined to echo the critique of Professor Triggs by Mr Abbott and other Coalition ministers on Wednesday, instead saying the "debate about Gillian Triggs misses the main point ... the main point is the children. Children in detention is something nobody wants". (SMH Feb 25)

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