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Senior surgeon Gabrielle McMullin stands by advice for female doctors to stay silent on sex abuse

看了Sydney Morning Herald昨晚這則新聞標題,不明所以,初時以為是指對病人投訴緘默,及至看了內容,才知道原來指女醫生身為性侵犯受害者時的反應。Dr McMullin教導初入行的女醫生盡量避免置身於會遭侵犯的處境,對男同袍的性要求避無可避時就只好就犯,但無論如何要啞忍不要投訴,投訴就摧毁前途。下面張貼她的講法:

Dr McMullin referred to the case of Dr Caroline Tan, who won a 2008 sexual harassment case against a surgeon while she was completing surgical training at a Melbourne hospital. Dr Tan was vilified and has been unable to find work at any public hospital in Australasia despite the legal victory, she said.

"Her career was ruined by this one guy asking for sex on this night. And, realistically, she would have been much better to have given him a blow job on that night," Dr McMullin said in the criticised ABC interview.

"What I tell my trainees is that, if you are approached for sex, probably the safest thing to do in terms of your career is to comply with the request; the worst thing you can possibly do is to complain to the supervising body because then, as in Caroline's position, you can be sure that you will never be appointed to a major public hospital."

When asked about those comments, Dr McMullin said: "Unfortunately, that's true."

She said new laws were needed to reward women for reporting sexual harassment rather than the current system of cash payouts and moral victories.


受到性騷擾的人,對自身利益有顧慮,是可以理解的。如果社會態度不正確,便會鼓勵侵犯者得寸進尺。受害人噤若寒蟬,侵犯者就變本加厲。新聞中提及Dr Tan投訴後得到不公平的對待,影響前途,當然使人忿忿不平。她是能力不足而不獲聘,抑或是因投訴而受壓制,外人無從判辨。如果是後者,就只能靠社會對性騷擾嚴肅處理,才能改變過來。


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