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Joe Hockey announces foreign investment moratorium, urges rule-breakers to come clean
Foreign investors who have illegally bought Australian real estate have until November 30 to come clean and sell their properties or face potential prosecution under a new Abbott government crackdown.
Australia's investment regime generally does not allow foreign investors to purchase existing homes and Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced tougher penalties, including possible jail terms, for people who break the rules.

Under legislation to be introduced later this year, penalties will be increased to $127,500 or three years' imprisonment for individuals, and $637,500 for companies. The government wants the new regime in place by December 1.

But Treasurer Joe Hockey has announced a moratorium to encourage people who have made unlawful purchases to turn themselves in.

"Those foreign investors have until November 30 to come forward and self identify," he said on Saturday. "They will be forced to sell their properties, but they will not be subject to criminal prosecution."

People who don't come forward will face the full force of the law, he said.

"If you do not come to us, we will come to you because eventually we will find those people that have engaged in unlawful acquisition of Australian real estate and we will prosecute you and we will be very hard about it."
Data-matching systems to be used

The government will also transfer all residential real estate functions to the Australian Taxation Office, which will use its data-matching systems to identify possible breaches.

Divestment orders will be supplemented by civil pecuniary penalties, or infringement notices for less serious breaches, the government said in a statement.

Third parties – such as lawyers or real estate agents – who knowingly assist a foreign investor to breach the rules will also now be subject to penalties, including fines of $42,500 for individuals and $212,500 for companies.

Mr Abbott says there will also be increased scrutiny around foreign investment in agriculture and increased transparency on the levels of foreign ownership in Australia through a comprehensive land register.

The Prime Minister insisted Australia was still "open for business" despite the crackdown.

"I really want to stress that this is a government which is pro-business and pro-investment," he said. "We are certainly pro-foreign investment, but it does have to be the right foreign investment."

He said he wants a real estate playing field that is "at least level" and if possible "slightly tilted towards the locals".
(2/5/2015 Sydney Morning Herald)

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