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匿名2015年7月17日 下午6:15
What do you think about P K Chan's Verdict? A woman assaulting the police with her breast (do you know of any woman on Earth who would assault a police officer with her breast)? Even Time Magazine reported the joke.
A Hong Kong Woman Just Got Convicted of Assaulting a Police Officer With Her Breast
一The extent of the officer's physical injuries was not revealed
A court in Hong Kong Kong convicted 30-year-old Ng Lai-ying Thursday of assaulting a police officer by hitting him with her breast during a protest on March 1.
Ng testified that during the protest the officer had reached out his arm to grasp the strap of her bag and that his hand had come in contact with her upper left breast, the South China Morning Post reports.
She told the court that she immediately yelled, “Indecent assault!”
But in his decision, the magistrate rejected those allegations, accusing Ng of lying in her testimony and instead finding her guilty of using her breast to bump the officer’s arm. “You used your female identity to trump up the allegation that the officer had molested you. This is a malicious act,” he said.
There was no word on what physical injuries, if any, the officer suffered.
時代的著眼點是女被告的講法和法庭沒有描述警察的傷勢,語帶諷刺。那不是法律討論,諷剌文章不難寫,寫出來有沒有見地就各自表述好了。不過,誰説Assaulting A Police Officer需要physical injuries?這不是Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm,actual bodily harm並非控罪元素。如果對諷刺看得過癮,請繼續過你的癮,悉隨尊便。我也回覆了留言的一個問題:(do you know of any woman on Earth who would assault a police officer with her breast)?我憑印象答了「林依麗」案。趁未赴晚宴前找了這件案出來,這名女人的案是這一宗:香港特別行政區 訴 林依麗 HCMA 705/2010。有別於胸襲警察,林依麗指控保安員非禮。你當然可以説distinguishable,我只想指出女性胸部也可以是武器,不論惡性或良性,也足以致命。


留言者繼而問我:I wonder if the decision would be different if the magistrate is a female. 這問題不難答,也不好答,因為法官不論男女都應有公正裁決,但一件案審結了,除非找個女官來重審,否則也不會看到另一番結果。就算由女官來審,結果一樣,也可以有别的wonders。我湊巧答了這問題,但最後刪除了,都怪瘋狗Maro,他看了我的回覆就瘋罵,由裁判法院罵到終審法院。他已瘋到這程度,我只好不論好歹把他新的留言都刪除了。我講明會刪他的留言,他還厚著臉皮,刪完再留。他早幾天另一則留言給我刪了,他說控辯雙方都代表過,只是沒做過法官。我保留著他的留言,他朝有日他做了法官,我一定會送個花牌給他做賀禮,貼上這些刪掉的留言,再標以「狗官」賀他。當然,他要發春秋大夢才能當上狗官。
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