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上一篇留言討論究竟在庭外辱罵法官是否構成藐視罪,因為這種庭外藐視行為,開埠以來只檢控過一單,所以大家生疏。一般辱罵法官的藐視行為,都發生在庭內,裁判法院較多,多數都以粗口問候或者擲鞋。先講個笑話。咸豐年代,銅鑼灣裁判署主任裁判官是Eddie Yan,因為他時常判老同入戒毒所,所以老同都憎他。有人傳他是甄沾記的族人。有一次,他判老同入戒毒所,老同發難,破口大罵:死人甄沾記,食晒你啲耶子糖。當然也夾雜粗口。老同沒有加刑,只判了入戒毒所。老同寧願坐監,乾淨利落,坐完無手尾跟。入戒毒所,幾個月後放出來,一段時間內驗到再吸毒,會recall番入去,所以,他們都寧願坐監。



[(1) A person, firm or company cannot be convicted of the criminal offences of scandalising the court or interfering with the administration of justice unless the facts establish beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a real risk, as opposed to a remote possibility, that the acts complained of would undermine public confidence in the due administration of justice in the minds of at least some of the persons who were likely to become aware of the acts complained of.

(2) The offences of scandalising the court and interfering with the administration of justice do not require proof that the alleged contemnor intended to undermine public confidence in the due administration of justice. It is sufficient if he intended to do the acts which are said to constitute the contempt.

(3) Upon the assumption that making the scandalising of the court a criminal offence amounts to a restriction on the right of freedom of expression, that restriction was

(a) for the protection of "public order (ordre public)" within the meaning of Art. 16(3)(b) of the Bill of Rights because it was for the protection of the rule of law to the extent that the rule of law is eroded if public confidence in the due administration of justice is undermined, and

(b) necessary for the achievement of that objective.

Accordingly, the criminal offence of scandalising the court has not been abolished or modified by the Bill of Rights.]

(The Secretary for Justice and The Oriental Press Group Limited and Others HCMP000407/1998)


1. The Oriental Daily News is the most popular newspaper in Hong Kong. Towards the end of last year, it embarked on a campaign against the Judiciary. The campaign has resulted in these proceedings for contempt of court. So far as we know, this is the first prosecution in Hong Kong's legal history of a contempt of court consisting of "scandalising the court" and "interfering with the administration of justice as a continuing process".

2. The gravity of the alleged contempts is reflected in the language which leading counsel for the Secretary for Justice chose to use in the course of his submissions:

"This is the most serious and flagrant contempt that Hong Kong has known. The attack on the judiciary was as unprecedented as it was persistent. For over a month, the people of Hong Kong were spoon fed with daily repetitive dosages of scurrilous abuse of not just one or two judges but the entire judiciary. The ultimate unparalleled challenge to the rule of law [took] the form of an 'educational' paparazzi trail which followed one of our appeal judges for 3 days around the clock."

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