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149. A barrister to whom a confession of guilt has been made by his client must observe the following rules:

(a) If the confession is made before the proceedings have started he may continue to act only if the plea is to be one of guilty, or if the plea is to be one of not guilty he acts in accordance with the rules set out in Annex 13 which impose very strict limitations on the conduct of the defence. In the latter case he must explain his position to the client and his instructing solicitor.

If the barrister is instructed to act otherwise than in conformity with this rule he should return his brief.

(b) If the confession is made during the proceedings or in such circumstances that he cannot withdraw without compromising the position of his client, he should continue to act and to do all he honourably can for him; but this situation similarly imposes very strict limitations on the conduct of the defence; and the barrister may not set up an affirmative case inconsistent with the confession by, for example, asserting or suggesting that some other person committed the offence charged or calling evidence in support of an alibi.

150. (a) It is the duty of defending Counsel to advise his client generally about his plea to the charge. It should be made clear that whether he pleads "not guilty" or "guilty", the client has the responsibility for and complete freedom of choice in his plea. For the purposes of giving proper advice, Counsel is entitled to refer to all aspects of the case and where appropriate he may advise his client in strong terms that he is unlikely to escape conviction and that a plea of guilty is generally regarded by the Court as a mitigating factor.

(b) Where a defendant tells his Counsel that he did not commit the offence with which he is charged but nonetheless insists on pleading guilty to it for reasons of his own, Counsel must continue to represent him, but only after he has advised what the consequences will be and that what can be submitted by Counsel in mitigation will have to be on the basis that the client is guilty.


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