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「摸骨」變摸胸 補習教師認非禮





我弄不清究竟是香港特别多非禮案,抑或傳媒過份喜歡報導涉非禮的案件,幾乎每天都不乏這種新聞。上面這則是涉及一個補習教師的,犯案時他並非替受害人補習而借故非禮,不算違反誠信,不會是加重刑罰的因素。不過,這卻不是年輕男女,年齡相若的網上交友那種,48歳相對於17歲,而且也具預謀,被告不懂風水掌相,卻藉此作為引子。這少女也缺乏謹慎,讓這網上結識的人一再上門。少女的心事我不懂,法例上並没有特别刑罰訂明來保護對少年的非禮,一般只靠個别法官自己的看法去懲處。這少女透過微信結識被告,給非禮了一次,還㑹繼續來往,豈不教人疑惑。網上交友已夠危險,還讓他登堂入室,簡直是自招麻煩。就等如你明知信不過的人,就要疏遠,  所謂防微杜漸,以免姑息養奸。微信,都有另一意思,即信少少就夠。


1. 上訴人在審訊後被裁定一項「猥褻侵犯罪」罪名成立,被判處21 個月監禁刑罰。上訴人現不服判刑,提出上訴。

2. 案發於1996 年,控方證人當時15 歲,是一名中四學生,參加暑期義工服務,她本校的老師因外遊將她及其他學生交託上訴人照顧。上訴人是另一學校的老師,推薦證人參加義工嘉許計劃,相約她到一間社區中心內,聲稱進行體能、智能及情緒智商測試。在該中心之內,上訴人佯稱替證人進行簡單的身體檢查,伸手進入其上衣,撫摸她的胸部,又著令她脫去上衣,除去胸圍,用雙手撫摸她的胸部及身體上各部分,更伸手進入證人的內褲內,觸摸證人的臀部。

3. 上訴人在兩個月後向證人表示有關的義工嘉許計劃已胎死腹中。當時證人因不欲父母得知事件遭到怪責,只向老師提及此事,並沒有報案。她延至2006 年才向警方舉報。

(香港特別行政區 訴 戴旭輝 HCMA27/2008)

很明顯以前這被告是中學教師,1996年發生的非禮,受害人到成年之後才報案,足足10 年,增加了檢控的難度,但非禮是可公訴罪行(indictable offence),起訴期没有時限(no time bar),故此有些控訴是幾十年後才提出的, 悉尼牙醫在審訊中這件是一例,追溯到1973年。
Ex-Sydney dentist Rodger Leighton gave girls nitrous oxide, then groped them: court

The girl remembered the dentist giving her nitrous oxide and saying something like "Do you feel nice?"

The patient, who is now an adult, is one of four women who will give evidence that former Sydney dentist Rodger Garry Leighton groped her after administering the sedative gas during dental treatment.

Dr Leighton, 79, has pleaded not guilty to six counts of indecent assault against the patients, who were under 16 at the time, at his surgery in Jannali, in Sydney's south, between 1973 and 1984.

On the first day of Dr Leighton's trial on Wednesday, Crown prosecutor Brad Hughes, SC, told the jury one of the alleged victims was in high school when she saw the dentist several times to get fillings.

"I will anticipate she will tell you ... the accused administered nitrous oxide via a mask being placed over her nose.

"The accused was talking to her, saying words similar to 'Do you feel nice?' and asking her 'Is that nice?' " Mr Hughes told the NSW District Court.

"She will allege the accused then fondled her breasts ... then started rubbing her vagina outside her underwear."

The woman is expected to give evidence that Dr Leighton did similar things when she saw him twice more to complete the treatment, the court heard.

"She will tell you that she did not tell anyone at the time about what the accused had done. She told her husband in about 2010 because she became anxious about her own daughter attending a dentist," Mr Hughes said.

He said two other women would give evidence that Dr Leighton rubbed their genitals after he administered the gas, and another woman remembers him fondling her breasts.

Dr Leighton allegedly assaulted the young girls for his own sexual gratification, Mr Hughes said.

A woman, who saw Dr Leighton between the age of seven and 12 to have baby teeth removed, told the court he gave her the gas before touching the outside of her genitals over her clothes.

He stared into her eyes and held her hand while touching her, she said.

"His face was looking into my eyes. He wasn't leaning on top of me but he was leaning so he could look into my eyes."

Defence barrister Andrew Miller told the jury Dr Leighton did not indecently assault the girls.

"It's not the accused's case that the complainants are lying. It's not the accused's case that they do not honestly believe what they allege happened to them happened.

"What is the case is that it didn't happen. They may well believe that's what happened to them, but it's a question of whether it did in fact happen."

Mr Miller urged the jury to pay close attention to expert evidence about the effects of nitrous oxide, and the difference between the way it was administered in the 1970s and 1980s compared to today.

He asked them also to listen to what the alleged victims say about the effects of the gas.

"[Listen to evidence] about what they thought it did to them, how it affected their abilities, how it made them feel, how it made them perceive the events that were occurring.

"Dr Leighton is innocent and is presumed innocent until or unless you find otherwise."

The trial continues before Judge Christopher Craigie.

(21/10/2015 Sydney Morning Herald)

話説回頭,摸骨教師應該判甚麼刑罰?這次他認罪,我想總刑期9個月已適合。畢竟非禮的形式很多,除了地鐡非禮定過判刑指引外,其他形式的,都不易訂立刑罰的指引。早兩日這一單:OL傾加薪千元遭攬胸 咸濕老闆非禮囚9周 :


這9周囚禁並不算重手,案情指被告在72 年曾侵犯過女童。當然遇上充满判刑藝術的上訴法官,改判罰款也不為奇,只是不能判緩刑,因為非禮屬例外罪行(excepted offence)。
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