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1. 保釋期間重犯,會否加刑?

2. 短時間內,重犯都可以緩刑?有無指引的?還是裁判官決定

3. 已經還柙左24天,就算判囚14天,唔係都會即時釋放咩?


4. 如果2年內佢又偷窺,當日還柙果24天,有無得扣返的?




保釋期間再犯,理應取消保釋,如果被告被收押了24日,就是bail revoked。保釋期間再犯本身並非加刑因素,而是提高判刑起點的因素。講到尾都要考慮總刑期(totality)。


首先,上訴庭沒有對遊蕩罪訂下判刑指引,裁判官判刑空間很大。緩刑與否,不會考慮重犯是否短時間內發生,只會考慮案情去決定判監是否恰當,繼而考慮有沒有特殊因素不用即時入獄,予以緩刑。馬官這判刑充滿藝術,被告被收押了24日,嘗過鎯鐺入獄的滋味 (clang of the prison gates),緩刑是他頭上一把刀,他要時刻警惕,不敢重蹈覆轍。以本案而言,這緩刑實際上比判即時監禁更重,如果判監14日,他已被還押了24日,從中扣除,即時省釋。現在判了緩刑,當然可以當庭釋放,但那收押了的24日不能用來抵消將來再犯而導致執行(activate)這14天緩刑的刑期。所謂再犯,即在緩刑期間再被定可判監禁的罪,不一定是偷窺,也可以執行刑罰,我講得太籠統,請参考下面張貼的法例(有4種執行的方法)。這一條的答案連第三、四條問題一併回答了。

Contents of Section
Chapter: 221 PDF Title: CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ORDINANCE Gazette Number: E.R. 1 of 2012
Section: 109C Heading: Power of court on conviction of further offence to deal with suspended sentence Version Date: 09/02/2012

Remarks:Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 25 of 1998 s. 2

(1) If an offender is convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment committed during the operational period of a suspended sentence or if, during such period, he breaks a condition imposed under section 109B(3)(a) and either he is so convicted by or before a court having power under section 109D to deal with him in respect of the suspended sentence or he subsequently appears or is brought before such a court, then, unless the sentence has already taken effect, that court shall consider his case and deal with him by one of the following methods-

(a) the court may order that the suspended sentence shall take effect with the original term unaltered;
(b) it may order that the sentence shall take effect with the substitution of a greater or lesser term for the original term;
(c) it may by order vary the original order under section 109B(1) by substituting for the period specified therein a period expiring not later than 3 years from the date of the variation; or
(d) it may make no order with respect to the suspended sentence,
and a court shall make an order under paragraph (a) of this subsection unless the court is of opinion that it would be unjust to do so in view of all the circumstances which have arisen since the suspended sentence was passed, including the facts of the subsequent offence, and where it is of that opinion the court shall state its reasons.
(2) Where a court orders that a suspended sentence shall take effect, with or without any variation of the original term, the term of such sentence shall commence on the expiration of another term of imprisonment passed on the offender by that or another court, unless the court is of opinion that, by reason of special circumstances, the sentence should take effect immediately.
(3) In proceedings for dealing with an offender in respect of a suspended sentence which take place before the Court of First Instance any question whether the offender has been convicted of an offence punishable with imprisonment committed during the operational period of the suspended sentence shall be determined by the court and not by the verdict of a jury. (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2)
(4) Where a court deals with an offender under this section in respect of a suspended sentence the clerk of the court shall notify the clerk of the court which passed the sentence of the method adopted.
(5) Where on consideration of the case of an offender a court makes no order with respect to a suspended sentence, the clerk of the court shall record that fact.
(6) For the purposes of any Ordinance conferring rights of appeal in criminal cases any such order made by a court shall be treated as a sentence passed on the offender by that court for the offence for which the suspended sentence was passed.
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