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我在活得愜意一文提及那位犯了店鋪盜竊案的學生繼續寫給我, 他跟我通信似乎可以找點心靈慰藉。他前時的電郵提過, 等待發落使他寢食難安, 24小時也不能閉合眼睛, 我叫他去運動, 一種頗有效及我經常叫求助人減低焦慮的方法。他昨晚又來了電郵:
To be honest, I had hoped that this matter would be resolved at an earlier date, with a positive outcome. That being said, with the prosecution taking the offer into consideration, and your prediction that it will indeed succeed, I am able to rest a little easier. Nonetheless, I'm still freaking out a little bit. Am I right in understanding that should the offer be rejected after the prosecution has considered the request, I'd have to request for another adjournment and then send the letter in through my lawyer?
I do understand why people would criticize you for helping people such as myself, as not everybody is repentant, or willing to take their wrongdoing into account and live life on the right side of the law following the incident; not everybody is truthful over the internet either. Still, to continue on in the face of all that criticism takes a certain kind of fortitude. Not everyone who comes to you deserves help, but it would be wrong to refuse everyone assistance based on a generalization.
P.S you were right - exercise made me feel miles better.
我時常強調, 這些初犯者所受的煎熬已是很大的懲罰, 但悔意真假難分, 究竟誰值得幫? 這不是我解答到的問題。我回覆他說, 我不會篩選, 以免遺漏了誰。故此, 寫來的人, 我一定會答幾句, 沒有拒絕過任何一個。所謂幫也不是個個我都會教怎樣去申請簽保守行為, 有的根本是妄想獲得撤銷控罪, 我會如實相告。假裝悔疚, 騙取同情而獲撤控的人當然有, 不過, 他們起碼要符合兩個先決條件: 初犯和所涉銀碼細。否則, 任憑你聲淚俱下, 決策者也無動於衷。我因為幫人而受批評是等閒事, 提出相反意見無任歡迎, 論據值得討論的我一定會延續, 自己言拙說不清楚的也可藉此再說。刻意無聊挑機的我毫不懼怕, 即管放馬過來, 我慣了面對魑魅魍魎(有讀者用這四個字來形容這些人)臭蟲狗黨的圍攻, 所以這些圍攻對我起不到作用。聽到廢話我從來不上心, 那些屁放了出來, 立即在空氣中消失了, 只要自己有清晰目標, 就不為屁話所動。
這一篇我要批評一下一些當值律師。昨晚回覆這學生後又收到他的回信, 過了子夜了我也回覆他, 犧牲一點睡眠希望減少他的焦慮。他信中這樣講:
 ......I brought along my letter and gave it to the duty lawyers and asked that they present it to the prosecution in the event that the proposal would be rejected. After hearing from them that the prosecution was considering the offer, they then proceeded to tell me that they felt like the letter did not need to be used that day, and as such, did not give it to them. I was also told to sit tight, wait and bring it back with me on my next court date, should the worst happen. Have I been cheated? ......
我根據過往處理求助人遇到不同情況的經驗, 才寫了店鋪盜竊經常會問的問題(二)一文, 程序上涵蓋性很廣。以前曾經有人告訴我叫當值律師替她寫申請撤控的信, 律師滿臉不高興, 這我完全理解, 因為那是額外工作, 所以我叫被告自己準備一封信, 以減輕其他人的工作量。如果個別當值律師肯熱心相助, 寫封詳盡得體的信, 當然最理想, 但把被告自己寫的一併附上又有何不妥呢? 況且, 一般當值律師也未必有充裕時間去寫, 與其馬虎交行貨, 不如給被告一點承擔的責任, 讓他把寫好的信呈上, 這樣做一點壞處也沒有, 就讓他們在寫的過程反思一下, 也是好事。這已不是第一次有人投訴聯絡主任或當值律師不肯轉交這種信了。有時在一念之間, 一封寫得真摯誠懇的信, 可以改變了整個決定。這學生哥的信寫得不錯, 縱然他這件案的案情輕微, 有沒有這封悔疚信也沒影響, 舉手之勞替他附上也是很簡單的事, 我就看不到拒絕的理由。
我也希望有人可以告訴我, 是否我的看法出了問題。
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