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【立會選舉】梁天琦被拒入閘 本民前批「赤裸裸的政治和思想審查」 不日內遞交呈請及覆核 (20:04)
(2/8/2016 明報即時新聞)
梁天琦起步脫腳, 我有點意外, 因為鄭錦滿也入了閘。講真, 呢條友衰口硬, 自取其咎。鄭錦滿為了入閘, 一早就簽確認書, 也沒有口硬, 所以就過關。當然確認書簽不簽毫無關係, 不論將來提出甚麼理據來訴訟, 也不會再攬住確認書來造文章, 事實證明確認書是阿茂整餅, 不少沒有簽署的人也一樣入閘, 被拒入閘的人都不是因為沒有簽署確認書的。
選舉主任拒絕梁天琦的理由, 確有值得商榷的地方。 選舉主任在拒絕梁天琦參選時講這樣的話: 「而一旦他成為立法會議員, 他仍然會繼續主張及支持香港獨立」(選舉主任何麗嫦給梁天琦的信第17段, pdf file連結在此: https://goo.gl/2g1mS2), 實在不妥當。審核參選資格, 不等同誰當選議員後應該有甚麼表現, 根本無法知道有誰入局以後會不會談起港獨來, 從來不倡議港獨的人, 誰知以後會不會, 相反而言, 以前推動過的也難保不會改變看法。我重覆講, 這種事情應該留給法庭去判斷, 即是參選人或當上議員的人, 有沒有作出虛假聲明或發假誓。過份審查並非明智之舉, 會涉越權(ultra vires)。
從這件事也看得出梁天琦在自找麻煩, 真的要爬要躝入立法會, 就先不要多講廢話, 讓人執着痛腳, 選舉主任在回信裏引用了一大堆梁天琦對傳媒講的說話, 明顯說明了梁天琦收回港獨言論的真正動機。如果梁天琦只講他擁護《基本法》, 並收回以前的港獨言論, 選舉主任就難以拒絕他的資格了。梁天琦這次是自作聰明, 寸嘴寸過龍。
他將於不日內遞交選舉呈請及司法覆核? 咪講笑, 不是「不日」, 而是在選舉後提出選舉呈請。區慶祥法官在上星期考慮梁天琦、吳文遠及陳德章司法覆核申請所頒判詞講過以下這番說話:
10. In relation to this, it is pertinent to note that the Court of Appeal has held in Re Lau San Ching [1995] 2 HKLR 95 that the proper and usual remedy for an aggrieved elector whose nomination has been declared invalid by the RO is by way of an election petition lodged after the end of the election.[1] The Court of Appeal by majority (Litton and Nazareth JJA) also emphasized that the court could not entertain any intermediate judicial proceedings seeking to challenge the various intermediate stages of an election (including the nomination stage) before the end of the election.[2] This is so because firstly such intermediate challenges (if entertained) would have the “most deleterious effect” on the election process, and secondly an aggrieved elector would in any event have a remedy by way of post-election petition and thus would not suffer any irreversible prejudice by not having his intermediate judicial challenge entertained. The Court of Appeal’s above conclusion that the court could not entertain any intermediate judicial proceedings in an election process is to protect the integrity and certainty of the carefully crafted statutory electoral process, including the statutory requirement to challenge the election process by election petition, which has been laid down by the legislature.[3]
22. If on the other hand, the RO decides that Mr Leung’s nomination is invalid, as mentioned above, his remedy should lie in lodging an election petition after the election has completed. He would again not suffer any irreversible prejudice by not having his intended judicial review determined before the end of the nomination period.
可見不可以是「不日」, 而要選舉之後提出呈請。
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