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Barrister handed £500 fine for turning up to court ‘under the influence’ of alcohol

An experienced barrister has been handed a £500 fine by the regulator after turning up to court “under the influence” of alcohol.

According to a Bar Standards Board (BSB) disciplinary finding published this week, Christopher Ellison — who was called to the bar in 2001 — attended Bournemouth Magistrates’ Court last September having “consumed” alcohol.

The BSB stated in its finding that Ellison, who was at court to represent a client, had “behaved in a way likely to diminish the trust and confidence the public places in the profession”.

According to the report, later that day the Bournemouth-based barrister left the same client “unrepresented”, having exited the court prior to the “resumption of an adjourned sentencing hearing”.

Ellison — who according to his LinkedIn spent time as a “top currency trader for a very large bank” before joining the bar — was slapped with a £500 fine and given a reprimand from the leader of his circuit, Bill Mousley QC.

Elsewhere, a fare dodging non-practising barrister has been disbarred.

Dr Peter Barnett, who evaded fares worth up to £19,000 over a two-and-a-half year period, was convicted of six offences of fraud by misrepresentation at Westminster Magistrates’ Court last year. Barnett, 45, from Thame in Oxfordshire, was handed a 16 week custodial sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid work.

The Oxford graduate — who was called to the bar in 2007 — is also a qualified solicitor.

A spokesperson for the BSB said:

Dishonest conduct is incompatible with membership of the bar. The tribunal’s decision to disbar Dr Barnett reflects this.

Speaking to The Times newspaper, a spokesperson for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) revealed that Barnett had removed himself from the roll seven years ago, and therefore is no longer within its regulatory remit.

(Legal Cheek 28/9/2016)
大狀醉酒上庭紀律聆訊後被判罰500鎊, 即是5000港元, 真係好輕手啫, 如果發生在香港, 釘牌一年半載都好平常。不過各處標準不同, 飲酒文化深厚的地方自然把醉酒看得較寬鬆。香港律師醉酒上庭, 我搜索枯腸也想不起例子, 法官醉酒我反而想起三幾個, 都是多年前的事, 那些年是洋官天下, 唐人法官比例上少, 這些事都涉及老外。一個是在區域法院內庭酗酒, 庭都開唔到, 搞到好大鑊, 因為街知巷聞, 上級也採取行動, 不過那些年, 制度寬鬆, 並無正式紀律聆訊那回事, 很多問題都可拆掂。我只是聽聞其事, 並無內幕。另一個大老爺是裁判官, 有一次宿醉開庭, 步履不穩, 出庭行了幾步未走到官櫈就倒地, 條友後來辭官私人執業, 最終暴斃於渡輪上。這個我也不是目睹, 只是可靠人士相告。我講可靠人士當然是大內人馬。第三個我就不只一次身歷其境, 大老爺臉紅如關公, 呼氣也可以把標少薰醉, 大內侍衛爆料, 老爺自認徹夜暢飲無眠, 在庭上舌頭也打了結, 思考反應都遲了幾拍。尚好, 出庭還可以行到直線, 也無倒地。更加好彩的是, 沒有酒量的標少沒有給薰醉。這些事都發生在殖民地時代。九七後, 你想死易過, 記者多, 法官地位下降, 少了一個敬畏老外法官如敬畏耶和華的因素, 行差踏錯, 見光死。我想, 做官的也眷戀英國管治時代, 唔使拍驚堂木, 蟻民貼貼服服, 無人駁嘴。時移世易, 法官何止唔敢醉酒上庭, 官民易位, 口口聲聲罵你狗官都得。揮舞龍獅旗班友, 又有無想過時光倒流, 現在擁有的東西, 以前不曾擁有。以前蟻民可申請司法覆核嗎? 發夢呀你! 上庭可以侃侃而談, 呼喝證人, 還可以陳辭三五七日嗎? 幻想喇你。大老爺一句 Shut up and sit down, 未叫你get out, 你魂魄已飛到九霄。別一味幻想那些年的風光, 有些只是選擇性的遐想。浮一大白, 早抖啦。
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