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在上一篇的留言和連結, 已有不少人評論了這不合格的草案, 我不想再重覆。梁美芬教授牽頭, 夥同另外兩位律師, 3個臭皮匠, 可惜都不是搞法律草擬的, 加上又不闇刑事法, 所以搞了這些不倫不類的東西出來。昨天還見到警察員佐級協會對草案表示歡迎, 在我看就有點像祈褔黨在街頭欺騙阿婆的金銀首飾, 偷龍轉鳳的手法, 一時騙得警察好開心, 信以為真, 以為為他們度身訂造了法律草案。左睇右睇, 這草案怎能稱得上「辱警罪」, 極其量只能叫「侮辱執法人員罪」。真的旨在呃like嗎? 我一向反對訂立「辱警罪」, 所以也從沒有仔細去考慮這條文應該怎樣去訂立。草擬法例並非每一個律師都有能力去做的, 更並非有個教授銜頭的人就一定懂的。上面這草案已不證自明了。

真的只為保障警察執勤時不受侮辱, 草案就應指明叫「辱警罪」, 加入法例第232章《警察條例》裏。像上面這草案, 涵蓋廣於警察, 要包括一切執法人員, 那就先要介定甚麼叫「執法人員」了。「執法人員」一般泛指執行法律及具逮捕權的人, 也有擴得較闊的介定, 以新南威爾斯州為例, 連主控官也包括在內, Crimes Act 1900的釋義, 是這樣講的:

"law enforcement officer" means:
(a) a police officer, or
(b) the Commissioner for the Independent Commission Against Corruption or an Assistant Commissioner for that Commission, or
(c) an officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, within the meaning of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 , who performs investigation functions, or
(d) the Commissioner for the Police Integrity Commission or an Assistant Commissioner for that Commission, or
(e) an officer of the Police Integrity Commission, within the meaning of the Police Integrity Commission Act 1996 , who performs investigation or confiscation functions, or
(f) the Commissioner for the New South Wales Crime Commission or an Assistant Commissioner for that Commission, or
(g) a member of staff of the New South Wales Crime Commission, within the meaning of the Crime Commission Act 2012 , who performs investigation or confiscation functions, or
(h) the Commissioner of Corrective Services, or
(i) governors of correctional centres, correctional officers and probation and parole officers, within the meaning of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999 , or
(j) an officer of the Department of Juvenile Justice who works with children who have, or are alleged to have, committed offences and who is employed at or works from a community centre or children’s detention centre, or
(k) an officer of the Department of Juvenile Justice who is involved in the conduct of youth justice conferences, or
(l) a Crown Prosecutor or an Acting Crown Prosecutor, or
(m) an Australian legal practitioner who is employed as a member of staff of the Director of Public Prosecutions, or
(n) a sheriff’s officer, or
(o) a recognised law enforcement officer within the meaning of the Police Act 1990 , or
(p) a special constable within the meaning of section 82L of the Police Act 1990.
相對而言, 在香港的法例裏, 「執法人員」這一詞是使用得比較罕有, 只在第627章 《啟德郵輪碼頭條例》出現, 該條例只是局限性採用「執法人員」一詞, 只有以下的介定:
執法人員(law enforcement officer)指 ——

如果這3位議員真心想保障警察執行職務時不會受到胡亂侮辱, 真的要提出一套(其實那有一套, 只是很簡單的一條)刑事罪行的建議, 至少也找個真的懂得刑事法的大狀過目, 才好公開。若有這樣做, 就不會弄成啼笑皆非, 失禮死人的草率法案出來。

教授, 你不害羞嗎?
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