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Aye Aye Sir

今天看到兩則有趣的新聞, 都來自澳洲的報章, 都談中澳關係的, 一則來自Sydney Morning Herald, 以此作為標題: 

‘Just not going to happen’: US warns China over Australian trade stoush
The administration of President Joe Biden has told the Chinese government that “we are not going to leave Australia alone on the field”, according to the President’s Indo-Pacific co-ordinator, Kurt Campbell.

“We have made clear that the US is not prepared to improve relations in a bilateral and separate context at the same time that a close and dear ally is being subjected to a form of economic coercion,” he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in the first interview a senior Biden official has given to any Australian media.
另一則來自Daily Mail, 以此作為標題: 

Former foreign minister Julie Bishop has warned the Australian government to lay off 'tit-for-tat' with Beijing, saying the country could remain 'in the Chinese freezer' for years.

Ms Bishop said the government needed to ensure they don't offend our 'largest customer' while hosting an online panel for the Australian National University on Monday night.
Kurt Campbell曾被澳洲政府頒授勳章, 有投桃報李之嫌, 他太不理解中共了, 泱泱大國, 今時不同往日, 坐亞望冠, 勒緊衭頭都不會在脅逼下就犯, 聽到這種口脗, 再找個新項目來禁袋鼠產品入口, 看下你美國佬怎奈我何。
Julie Bishop就務實, 知道想賺錢就不應趕客的道理。 她這樣講:
'The way for the Australian government forward is to continue to protect our national interest, of course, but avoid the unnecessary media tit-for-tat with Chinese officials.'
連廢老標少在幾篇講中澳貿易的文, 都一直說要重視這種國家利益。「廢」字近日大熱, 甚麼「忠誠廢物」, 「廢柴學者」, 說得沸沸揚揚的。身為廢老的標少, 反正洗擦不掉污斑, 漂白也不脫漬, 所以直認不諱。畢竟崩口人忌崩口碗, 看到田教授這四字真言, 我都蒙混過去, 都不敢隨波逐流打秋風。可是, 上一篇有網友留言打開這話盒, 我也不忌諱乘機胡謅幾句。對於一眾忠心耿耿, 包括這裏時常山呼萬歲的網友, 一時之間被打成廢物, 打擊之大, 難以言表。我不禁想起John Milton的Paradise Lost, 廢物就像Satan, defeated and banished to hell。也不是要安慰大家, 不論忠誠或叛逆, 都一樣有廢物的, 物競天擇, 優劣分明, 除非不去比較篩選, 一比便知龍與鳳。哭吵甚麼? 平凡、平庸、愚蠢、愚昧, 不是一種罪啊。我都沒有罪惡感。人家嫌你不夠班, 你努力奮進囉, 或者你退位讓賢不要尸位素餐囉, 或者你扮深沉內斂不表態來藏拙囉, 像我對留言不表態一樣。哭哭啼啼, 可憐兮兮就自貶身價了。起碼都有褒義詞忠誠兩個字, 好過貪婪、投機、吃裏扒外。只要不去批評, 事事都Aye Aye Sir, 就不會把你打成漢奸了, 夫復何求? 
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