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More on bananas
KT Lai
More on bananas
I don't know how much of this is true....but I did try the last tip....brush shoes with the inside of the banana skin....shine looked great for about two minutes....but disappeared quite quickly...was no better than buffing with the cloth itself. Wondered about the B12 claim, so checked it out...two fairly reliable nutrition sites say there's negligible B12 in even a very large banana.....however it's a very good source of B6. All-in-all bananas are a nutritious food....but the older the banana the more simple sugars it contains...the complex carbohydrates break down as the banana ripens.
Bananas: The Most Helpful Fruit In the World
I know, and I'm sure you know, that bananas are incredibly healthy to eat, but I'll make you a little bet: By the time you finish reading this post, you will find out at least 5 great uses for bananas that you never knew about before. As it turns out, bananas aren't just incredibly healthy, they can also be used to treat and solve many problems. I've learned a lot from this, and will definitely be getting more bananas to have at home.
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