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In his letter ("Let's look at unused land in housing issue", May 8), David Akers-Jones advocates the use of the "virtually empty land south of Chi Ma Wan" within LantauSouth Country Park for housing.
We have learned from Tin Shui Wai that putting low-income families in flats in an isolated corner of Hong Kong, where there are few job opportunities, will generate serious social problems.  To have a proposed settlement on "empty land" would be repeating the same horrible mistake made at Tin Shui Wai.
To address the housing needs of these families, the government should be looking for land near established infrastructure.
Building housing estates in these areas would be far cheaper and make much more sense.  The inhabitants would have a better chance of finding jobs near home.
The size of country parks in Hong Kong is irrelevant to the housing discussion.  When there is abundant land in the plains, there is no reason at all for going to the hills.
Maybe people targeting country parks have in mind houses with a view for the rich.  But even that does not work south of Chi Ma Wan.  Just look at the failed "luxurious" Sea Ranch project at Yi Long Wan.

Lam Chiu-ying

註1  2015年5月8日南華早報讀者來函 David Akers-Jones
註2  2015年5月18日南華早報讀者來函 Lam Chiu Ying
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