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Need to know-----Japan & Taiwan
Dr A.Mah
Japan forcefully took Taiwan from China in 1895 and ruled it for 50 years until they lost WW2. 
Its ultimate goal is to incorporate Taiwan into the Japanese Empire. 
They are using the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) -  led by descendants of Japanese soldiers left behind in 1945. 
In 1875, after China lost the Sino-Japanese war, it took Liu-Chiu Island Archipelago (Okinawa) from China. 
In 1879, it integrated the Liu-Chiu Islands into the Japanese empire and renamed it 'Okinawa' despite China's protest.  
In about the same time Japan & Russia took Sakhalin Island from China which lies to the north of Hokkaido. Sakhalin was later taken by Russia after the defeat of Japan in a Russian - Japanese war.  
In 1895, Japan took Taiwan from China (when it defeated China in another Sino-Japanese war). 
During the World War 2, Japan overran South East Asia. 
It took from China's Diao-Yu Dao (renamed Senkaku by Japan), the Penghu aka Pescadores Island, the Paracel and Spratly islands in the South China Sea. 
In 1943 in the Cairo Declaration & again in the 1945 'Potsdam Talks'  US, UK and ROC (Republic of China) jointly declared that Japan should return to China all the former Chinese territories. 
After the defeat of Japan in 1945,  Japan had to hand back to China - Taiwan, Penghu aka Pescadores, Diao Yu-Dao aka Senkaku Islands,  Paracel & Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. 
The return of these islands to China was officially ratified and signed by 48 members of the United Nations Organisation under the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty. 
In the San Francisco Treaty of 1951, the Republic of China under Chiang Kai-Shek's  Kuomintang (KMT) was negligent and overlooked 2 important aspects such as the return of Liu Chiu-Dao aka Okinawa to China which was not mentioned in the San Francisco Treaty & the repatriation of former Japanese soldiers back to Japan. 
The United States deliberately kept Liu Chiu-Dao (Okinawa) out of the treaty because it had the intention to occupy Okinawa as its military base. 
The renowned 1957 Nobel Prize winner Chinese nuclear physicist, Professor Yang Zhen-ning shared with the Chinese his concern about Japan's evil design & objective in taking small steps to eventually integrate Taiwan with the Japanese empire again in the  future, just in the same way they annexed Liu Chiu-Dao (Okinawa) to Japan in 1879. Professor Yang Zhen-Ning turns 100 by 22 Sept 2022.
He contributed immensely to China's Science & Physics as professor in Beijing's famed Xinhua University - honoured & respected by Chairman Mao Tze-tung, Premier Zhou En-Lai, President Xi Jinping & loved by the Chinese everywhere. 
Professor Yang wrote about Japan & Taiwan. Here are the briefs:
    ●Do you think it is the Taiwanese Chinese who are rioting for Taiwan independence? You are wrong. 
    ●Taiwan's independence movement is actually a century-old conspiracy of the Japanese. 
    ●Taiwanese society is exceedingly complex. 
    ●In 1945 the Japanese military government surrendered but did not repatriate all the Japanese soldiers stationed in Taiwan back to Japan. 
    ●Over 300,000 thousand Japanese soldiers remained in Taiwan, abandoned their military uniforms, became naturalized Chinese citizens with assumed Chinese names. 
    ●Now there are about 4 million Japanese descendants with assumed Chinese names living in Taiwan whose loyalty is still with Japan
    ●Among them are Lee Teng-Hui, Chen Shui-bian &  the present President Tsai Ing Wen - all with Japanese ancestry. Their ultimate goal is not Taiwan independence, but the integration of Taiwan into Japan.
    ●Taiwan's independence is just their transition & springboard for their ultimate objective. 
    ●The day when China takes action to liberate Taiwan, these Japanese descendants would fight the PLA to the end. 
    ●Many so-called Taiwan independence scholars of Japanese descent resisted the fine-tuning of high school history books that reflects on Japanese invasion of Taiwan.
    ●They also wanted to eliminate sinicization, Taiwanization to preserve some form of Japanese imperiousness. 
    ●These radical pro-Japanese elements have no one to investigate their background. 
    ●In a free & democratic  society like Taiwan, they are still obsessed with loyalty to Japan.
    ●Even now few ever thought these leaders are of Japanese descent. 
    ●This is no nonsense. The historical reality can be verified. The household registration office & Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Interior have official documents to substantiate.
    ●This group of people did not dare to act rashly during the rule of the Chiang Kai Shek Government in the early days when the government moved to Taiwan. But after Lee Teng-hui & Chen Shui-bian came to power they sprang up in political, academic & commercial arena.
    ●Right now they are much bolder, arrogant & dare to even to suggest that China men and women return back to China. 
    ●True Taiwanese Chinese are now pushed aside, short changed and marginalized.
    ●We Chinese can no longer remain silent. All Chinese people must rise up & clear the door for the Japanese traitors camouflaging as Chinese to be flushed out, expelled & send back to Japan.
    ●Anyone causing troubles must be  investigated & dealt with according to law and/or repatriated to Japan. 
    ●Chinese people must never allow the Japanese to occupy Taiwan ever again.
China must not allow any Taiwanese with Japanese DNA and genes to hold official positions or they can return to Japan.
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