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   回應 : 2




  • 【體能測試(女)】──用枕頭包一個二十磅的啞鈴,然後綁在腰部,做十次彎腰手尖接觸腳尖運動,然後步行上五樓樓梯;
  • 【體能測試(男)】──手抱一個十磅的旅行袋,背負另一個二十磅的旅行袋,步行上十樓樓梯;
  • 【抗拒睡眠測試(二人)】──保持一個星期不眠不休;
  • 【潔凈測試】──把一瓶花生醬倒在一塊尿片上,將尿片捲起擠壓,然後打開,手和身上都沒有被溢出的花生醬弄髒;
  • 【噪音測試】──將你的收音機聲響調到最高,維持三十分鐘,你都可以忍受得住,鄰居也沒有投訴;
  • 【超級市場測試】──去超級市場買你以往日常用品的雙倍,你仍然可以應付得來;
  • 【玩具測試】──買不同大小形狀的玩具,裝滿一個裝載五十吋電視機的空箱,然後將玩具倒在地上,散佈全屋,在晚上熄了燈,在睡眠狀態中在屋內來回十次,踩到玩具也不發出任何聲響,以免吵醒小朋友;
  • 【愛心、耐性測試】──同兒童院借一個最醜怪、愚蠢和頑皮的小朋友回家同住一個月,餵養他,教他讀書,日夜陪伴他,而可以保持你的愛心和耐性;和
  • 【經濟能力測試】──將你現時的收入扣除供樓款項之後減你支出的兩倍,仍然保持有盈餘。 



  • 「凡敬畏耶和華,遵行祂道的人,這人便為有福;你妻子在你的內室,好像多結果子的葡萄樹;你兒女圍繞你的桌子,好像橄欖栽子;看哪,敬畏耶和華的人,必要這樣蒙福;願你看見你兒女的兒女。」(詩篇128:1-6);和
  • 「你們作兒女的,要凡事聽從父母,因為這是主所喜悅的。你們作父親的,不要惹兒女的氣,恐怕他們失了志氣。」(歌羅西書3:20-21




回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2020-11-25 17:34:16


Faith palm: Pope Francis’ Instagram account ‘caught liking’ racy model’s sexy schoolgirl photo

There may soon be a social media manager opening at the Vatican after the Pope’s Instagram account was caught ‘liking’ a photo of a Brazilian bikini model in a sexy schoolgirl outfit.

According to reports and alleged screenshots purporting to show the social media faux pas, none other than Pope Francis gave his blessing to 27-year-old Brazilian glamour model Natalia Garibotto.

“At least I'm going to heaven,” Garibotto quipped, enjoying the unlikely endorsement. 

Pope Francis’ Instagram account boasts 7.2 million followers so it was somewhat inevitable that some among the faithful would spot the Pope's official Instagram name, Franciscus, among those who liked the sultry snap.

At least I'm going to heaven,” Garibotto quipped, enjoying the unlikely endorsement. 

Pope Francis’ Instagram account boasts 7.2 million followers so it was somewhat inevitable that some among the faithful would spot the Pope's official Instagram name, Franciscus, among those who liked the sultry snap.

The official papal account no longer appears to like the picture but social media never forgets. Reactions to the mishap poured in over the weekend, with some claiming the Pope himself had fallen into a ‘thirst trap’.

The more pious on Twitter offered their digital ‘thoughts and prayers’ to the Pontiff, who appeared to be enduring severe temptation. Some of the more devout called for calm, insisting there was no way the Pope himself ran his own social media accounts, while others encouraged people to follow the Bible alone.

Uncharacteristically for a celibate servant of God, Pope Francis said earlier this year that sexual pleasure is a divine gift, so perhaps his recent social media activity shouldn’t come as a surprise.

“The pleasure of eating is there to keep you healthy by eating, just like sexual pleasure is there to make love more beautiful and guarantee the perpetuation of the species,” Pope Francis said. 

Meanwhile, the Pope endorsed same-sex civil unions last month, sparking many to joke about whether the Pontiff was now reconsidering whether masturbation is a sin in Catholicism.

2. 麥文本 2020-11-25 19:28:14


1: 罪的判斷不是任何人可以決定唯有神主控一切在聖經清楚列出由耶穌樹立榜樣

2: 事實證明人性的本質而世界毫無祕密隱而未現的罪遲早會公諸於世林肯亦曾說你可以蒙騙全世界的人一段很短的時間,或者永遠蒙騙一小部份的人,但是你不能永遠蒙騙全世界的人。」所以人須要悔改認罪接受耶穌做救主

3: 聖經的主要人物包括摩西大衛及彼得亦曾犯罪然而聖經沒有抑惡揚善清楚地將每一個人的罪行列出然後說明神怎樣懲治這就是天理

4: 聖經明確指出同性戀是罪無可置疑然而神愛所有世人只要有一天他們悔改認罪他們都可以得救例如耶穌赦免了一個妓女一個有五個丈夫的撒瑪利亞婦人及與祂一同被釘十字架的強盜這是愛心的表現

5: 所以未信奉耶穌的要快信已經信奉耶穌的要堅信