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   回應 : 3





迦瑪列提到兩個歷史人物,丟大(Theudas)和加利利的猶大(Judas of Galilee),皆被愛國的猶太人認作革命英雄。在主前6年,丟大以彌賽亞自居,帶領400人在大希律王死後到處作亂,但後來被殺害,他的黨羽也作鳥獸散。而加利利的猶大在主後67年間,組織叛黨,反抗羅馬人的奴化運動,有很多人跟從他;當時正值主耶穌的童年,猶大的反抗運動最終失敗而滅亡,然而他的門徒成立了「奮銳黨」,繼續抗爭,亦不成功;而其中一個稱為西門的黨員,後來作了耶穌的門徒(路加福音6:15),亦停止了鬥爭行動。 





  • 好人變壞人;
  • 兄弟變仇人;
  • 好事變壞事;和
  • 美事變醜事。 









回應 / 意見
1. 港人 2021-06-06 01:26:30

綜合加拿大廣播公司、半島電視台、美聯社報 道:加拿大卑詩省坎盧普斯市原住民寄宿學校舊址日前發現215 具學童遺骸,引發輿論嘩然,也令加拿大、美國等西方國家歷史 上的種族滅絕罪行再次受到國際關注。,這 215具遺體是白人政府對原住民實施種族滅絕的又一明證,但僅 揭露了黑暗歷史的冰山一角。專家敦促現政府設立法律框架,對 全加拿大的寄宿學校舊址進行系統性調查。

215孩童遺骸此前未計算 坎盧普斯寄宿學校從1890年運作至 1969年,但TRC僅紀錄了1915年至1963年 間的51宗學童死亡案例。卡西米爾等人相 信,今次發現的215具遺體並未被計算在 內。 加拿大第一民族大會全國酋長貝勒加德 說,坎盧普斯市215名兒童的死亡此前從未 被紀錄在案,這是白人政府實施種族滅絕的 新證據;現在,聯邦政府應承擔確定死亡兒 童身份、尋找他們的家人、檢查其他寄宿學 校舊址等一系列工作。安大略省原住民議員 瑪瑪卡瓦直言,大批兒童死在寄宿學校內已 是 「公開的秘密」 ,當局不能再視而不見, 必須與各地原住民社區合作,搜查每一處學 校舊址。卑詩大學寄宿學校歷史中心負責人 圖佩爾─拉福德呼籲,政府應為此 設立法律框架。

圖佩爾─拉福德批評說,加拿大政府雖 然設立了真相與和解委員會,近年也承認曾 對原住民犯下 「文化滅絕」 和 「種族滅絕」 罪行,但始終不願以實際行動彌補過錯。 TRC獲得的資金很少,至今未能全面統計原 住民學童死亡數據。 孩童失蹤 校方隱瞞事實 坎盧普斯原住民組織20年前就開始搜尋 「失蹤」 在寄宿學校內的兒童,近日在地面 雷達探測專家的幫助下發現這些遺骸。組織 領袖卡西米爾表示,他們將繼續搜查學校舊 址,料將發現更多遺骸。納西斯和她的父母 都曾被強制進入坎盧普斯寄宿學校接受 「教 育」 。5月29日,納西斯來到學校舊址,向 死去的兒童表示哀悼。她表示,寄宿學校內 藏着 「亂葬坑」 的故事在當地代代相傳,如 今終於有了證據。 卡西米爾表示,加拿大各地原住民寄宿 學校都曾發生大量學童 「失蹤」 事件,但政 府早先宣稱他們只是 「逃跑」 了,與很多倖 存者的回憶相悖。圖佩爾─拉福德指出,很 多寄宿學校由天主教團體建立和管理,但這 些團體不願公開歷史紀錄文件,令 外界難以了解真相;今次大量 遺骸被發現,印證了倖存 者而非政府的說法。

 圖佩爾─拉福德說,當年加 拿大政府常常刻意將原住民學童安置 到遠離家鄉的寄宿學校,以切斷他們與家庭 和族群的聯繫,因此死去的兒童很可能來自 加拿大其他地區。她表示,現政府有義務設 立法律框架,對全國寄宿學校系統進行正式 調查,而不是讓原住民倖存者自揭傷疤。 原住民今仍骨肉分離 加拿大政府已關閉了寄宿學校, 但原住民兒童被強制帶離家庭的案例仍 屢見不鮮。2016年統計數據顯示,原住 民兒童僅佔加拿大兒童總數的7.7%,卻 佔到被送進寄養設施兒童總數的52%。慈 善機構 「Reconciliation Canada」 行政總 裁約瑟夫哀嘆: 「這不是歷史事件,這種情 況今天仍在持續。」 當地時間5月30日,加拿大聯邦政府機 構降半旗以示哀悼。總理特魯多在推特發文 稱,此舉是為了紀念在坎盧普斯死去的 215名兒童、其他所有未能回家 的原住民兒童、寄宿學校倖 存者,以及他們的家人。 但原住民組織和歷史專 家指出,特魯多政府 為原住民做的遠 遠不夠。

No longer ‘the disappeared’: Mourning the 215 children found in graves at Kamloops Indian Residential School

A macabre part of Canada’s hidden history made headlines last week after ground-penetrating radar located the remains of 215 First Nations children in a mass unmarked grave on the grounds of the former Kamloops InWhile we currently have no evidence to determine the cause of death for each child, we know that they died a political death — these children were the disappeared.

Colonial population management projects

The chilling discovery in Tk’emlúps reminds us of the larger project of aggressive assimilation.

Indian Residential Schools were centres for state-directed violence against Indigenous nations, where the children — the heirs of Indigenous nations — were programmatically stripped of their Indianness.

Indigenous lives were broken down, sterilized of any trace of the gifts inherited from their parents and ancestors and re-packaged into Canadian bodies.

The brute nation-making scheme of the Canadian state looked to the existing infrastructure laid down by the prominent Christian churches. The churches were involved in population management almost from the moment of contact between European Crowns and Indigenous nations. The Catholic Church, which would go on to operate about 60 per cent of these schools, was a hawkish occupier.

Like branch plants in a vast production scheme, the state made good use of the extensive church network to co-ordinate the extraction of raw material—Indigenous children.

But the revelation of a mass disposal site for children — unrecorded and hidden — on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School tells us that the regulation of Indigenous life extended into death.dian Residential School.

Like 150,000 Indigenous children that were taken from their families and nations and placed in residential schools, the 215 bodies of children, some as young as three, located in Tk’emlúps were part of a larger colonial program to liquidate Indigenous nations of their histories, culture and foreclose on any future. To do this, Canada put into motion a system to “kill the Indian in the child.”

This system often killed the child.

The politics of death and mourning

A fact many Indigenous people understand is that life’s benefits and burdens are shot through the colonial prism. As we go through life, we quickly learn that the weight of history’s finger is pressing firmly on the scale.

What is often overlooked is how that uneven distribution in life carries on through death.

Just as in life, how Indigenous death is mourned and remembered has been a matter of political control. The Canadian state, in partnership with the churches, has long unilaterally assumed sovereignty over Indigenous mortality and bereavement.

Nowhere is this more apparent than the atrocity at Tk’emlúps which has sharpened this for many Indigenous nations, as we see how the Catholic church not only denied these children the capacity to shape the means of and choose the ends of their life, but also they denied their communities control over their death.

In Tk’emlúps, the Catholic church decided that neither their lives nor their deaths were worthy of being known, remembered and commemorated.

One of the more appalling acts by the Catholic church in Tk’emlúps was how the children were deliberately forgotten; they were omitted from the official records that would verify their passing.

tion of death may seem clinical and lacking the human touch, but for some it has become crucial to contemporary remembrance. It is one way, of many culturally divergent methods, of confirming death and allowing the dead to have a social afterlife with the living. The painful void that lingers is what researcher Pauline Boss called ambiguous loss, “a loss that remains unclear because there is no death certificate or official verification of loss; there is no resolution, no closure.”

The memory of the person and their remains may strike us as two separate matters, but they are intimately connected in many cultures.

Not unlike Catholicism, the material body figures centrally amongst many Indigenous rites and ceremonies that cultivate social continuity with the dead. Matthew Engelke, who studies the anthropology of death, tells us that:

“(W)hat commemoration often involves is much more than remembering the dead. It requires a serious engagement with the things that ghosts and ancestors want: a proper burial, a pot of beer, a feast, money, a fitting grave-stone, the blood of a reindeer, the blood of kin.”

The truth about the disappeared

The truth about the atrocity at Tk’emlúps escaped examination during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). In the weeks before the TRC launched in 2008, the Catholic church was confronted with the allegations of a mass grave. Back then, the church denied any knowledge.

Until their remains were recently located, the Catholic church was content to leave 215 children as ‘disappeared.’

The disappeared — those that have been secretly disposed — produce a unique grieving. They leave families and communities in a state of suspended mourning, never sure whether their loved one is alive or dead, or where their remains have been left.

It is life abandoned to death with no chance of the living to intervene.

Now that they have been located, the surviving families, communities and Nations can begin to think about custodianship of the remains, mourning and memorialization. That much is up to them and every support and resource ought to be provided.

2. 港人 2021-06-06 02:11:32


加拿大寄宿學校舊址發現遺骸,杜<a href=魯多要求教宗道歉。AP圖片.jpg"/>






3. 麥文本 2021-06-06 09:21:49

1: 這說明人心邪惡,講愛心的人缺乏對人的愛心講平等的人缺乏對人的平等講自由的人缺乏對人的自由,然而世上有天理,而世界亦沒有秘密,邪惡的事終於有一天會,行惡的人將會得到應得的懲罰。

2: 人心既然險惡詭詐,無論信奉任何宗教或者沒有宗教信仰,都會犯罪作惡;而信奉基督的信徒會減少犯罪,亦會被神保護

3: 聖經十誡中的第三誡不可妄稱神的名」所以如果有人宣稱以神的名去侵略,甚至騙財騙色,神將會懲治,不用擔心

4: 所以未信奉耶穌的,要快信;而已經信奉耶穌的,要堅信