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Kevin Lau, Former Chief Editor
Bob Choi & Others

Bob Choi:         I am sure you all have read or heard about his attack.  It was clearly a professional job.  I will not speculate on who put out a "contract" on him.  Your guess is as good as mind.  Sad to say, this case will most likely remain unsolved like all the previous attacks on notable media persons.  These attacks are ample proof that Freedom of the Press is of paramount importance to a true democracy and that we must defend it with all our might.  Despite its excesses and occasional abuses by some of its practitioners, the Free Press exposes political corruption, criminal schemes and social injustice.  When it comes under attack, we must all stand up and lend our support... even if only in spirit.  

Stella Tse:        I don't really understand the HK situation, but from watching the daily TVB news, I see a lot of extremists with excessive and disgusting conducts everywhere, this is not the way to freedom. 

I was a teenager when Lam Bun was killed and I had no political inclines then and even now, but still remember how disgusted I was when listening to Lam Bun's commentaries, how he said it really turned me off.   

Peter Wu:         I gather this is the price Kevin, and for that matters other journalists world-wide before him, paid for pursuing and speaking the truth. 

I can only surmise that price he paid was relatively minor in that the hit bears all the hall-mark of 'teaching you a esson only' , instead of sending him six-foot under. 

I have no idea who might have ordered the hit, or why. But given the areas of his investigation, and how sensitive they are to the people involved, I am sure we can put two and two together.  

The Basic Laws may have guaranteed Freedom of Speeches and Freedom of the Press for HK. However, there are ways and means to curtail them. What happened to Kevin is one  way and means. I suggest Kevin relocates offshore and continues his crusade from a position of relative safety.

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