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Annoying Tales (5) - II
Bob Choi

5. Sex after Fifty (Continued)

Episode 2: Saturday Morning at Silver Mine Bay

[George and Winnie sit on the edge of a bed, embracing each other, in a room at the Mui Wo Hotel.  From where they are, they can see Silver Mine Bay.  It’s a cool, misty morning in March.  There are only a handful of people walking in the sand.  A nice cool breeze comes through the window, bringing with it the chirping and fluttering of birds and the sloshing of gentle waves against the rocks.  Winnie has almond eyes and full lips on a perfect oval face with wrinkles that are barely visible.  The years have been very kind to her.  She speaks with a sweet, pleasant whisper.]  
“Hmm…this feels sooo nice.  Please, please hold me tight.  That’s it, that’s it!  Hmm…”
“Oh, Winnie, I wish moments like this can last forever.”
“Well, we’ve been seeing each other for twenty years now, but it seems like it’s only yesterday.”
“Oh, how time flies.  I still remember the day when you called me.  It’s a year after you and Charles were married -- [pause] -- you said you needed to see me to discuss something personal, something very important -- hmm…you hair smell so very nice!” [He holds her head to his nose and takes a deep, deep breath.]
“And you told me that there’s something serious wrong between you and Charles -- that you two made love on your wedding night and then -- and then you two never make love again.”
“We went to the marriage counselors.  They couldn’t help.  We went to the sexual therapists.  They were clueless -- Charles performed normally with the ‘sex lab partner’, but not with me!  We went to a psychiatrist who pointed out that this condition was found in 0.01% of all married couples, and there’s no known cure -- a big help that was!   Finally we went to a clinical hypnotist.  She put Charles in a trance and found out that somehow he’s mistaken me for his dead mother in his subconscious mind, and no man in his ‘right’ mind would make love to his own mother, dead or alive!”
“It’s hard to imagine that Charles’ all messed up in his head.  He seems normal in every way.  Who would know that he’s got a mother fixation!”
[There’s a moment of silence as the two lovers embrace and caress each other.  The passion is evident.   Then, resting her chin on his shoulder, and without looking at him, she says in a coy, mischievous tone:]
“And what’s your excuse, George?”
“What do you mean?” [Obviously pretending that he really doesn’t know.]
“We’ve been coming here every Saturday for the past twenty years.  We kiss, we talk, we hold each other -- but you never make love to me, not even once!  Why?”
“You know how much I love you, Winnie --” [Squeezing her tightly in his arms.]
“And I love you, George!” she interrupted.
“But I can’t make love to you --”
“Why?  George, why?” [Now looking into his eyes.]
“Charles’ like a brother to me.  I can never betray him!  You know -- Charles and James and I -- we’ve pledged to be brothers since we were in high school.  I can’t  make love to you behind his back -- no, I can’t!”  [The pain of moral dilemma is clearly written on his face.]
“So that’s why you’ve never made love to me. -- [now her gaze becomes intense] --You’re such a fool, George -- yes, you’re!”
“What!  Why do you say that?”
“Do you really think Charles doesn’t know what’s going on between us!  He knew from a long time ago!”
“Oh, my God!  He knows we’ve been seeing each other?”
“Yes!  He’s found out by accident, and he told me.  He also made me promise not to let you know that he knows about us.  He doesn’t want you to feel -- guilty!  Do you know he goes to Shenzhen every weekend so he won’t get into our way?”
“Oh, Winnie, I’m a fool!  How would I know?  All this time, I was worrying about getting caught -- what a fool I’ve been -- but I am a fool no more!” 
“Oh, George!”
“Oh, Winnie!”   
[They look at each other and then kiss.   There’s a moment of silence except for the nice morning breeze and the chirping and fluttering of birds and the sloshing of gentle waves against the rocks -- and the sweet, melodic murmuring that lovers make.] 
- To be continued -
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