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Annoying Tales (5) - III
Bob Choi

5. Sex after Fifty (Continued)

Episode 3: At James’ Office

[Winnie and James sit on a buffalo-hide sofa in James’ well-furnished office.  James wears a charcoal gray three-piece suit with a poker-dotted yellow tie; Winnie in a body-hugging white cotton dress, deep V-cut neckline, with a pattern of tiny red strawberries.  She crosses her legs which point toward James with a pair of red high-heels.  James looks at the woman sitting next to him, tries to ignore the fact that he finds her very, very attractive, and that he has had a crush on her since high school.]
“How’re you, Winnie?  You look marvelous!”  [Showing his best smile, exposing two rows of teeth that are geometrically perfect and gleaming white, a tribute to the latest cosmetic dental technology.]


“Well, thanks, James! You don’t look too shabby yourself! -- [Counter-offering a smile that showcases her full lips with strawberry shade of glossy lipstick] -- I really appreciate you seeing me in such short notice.  I know you’re very busy.”

“Don’t mention it, Winnie.  I must say I was a bit surprised when you called me for a consultation.  You know I handle mostly divorce cases.  What can I help you with?” 
“Charles and I -- [Sighing] --.it’s not working out for us.  You’re probably aware?”
“Hmm…yes, it’s come to my attention that --”
“I want to divorce Charles!” she declared point-blank, matter-of-factly.
“But Winnie!”
“I can’t live another day with a man I don’t love.  I can’t!  I’d like you to handle my case, to represent me.”
“But we need sufficient grounds, Winnie, if you want a favorable judgment from the court.”
“Well, I’ve got two for you.  First, he has failed to perform his duty as a husband.”
“What do you mean?  He’s a good provider, isn’t he?”
“I’ve got news for you, James -- [Taking her time so James will hear this loud and clear.] -- he made love to me on our wedding night and then never again!”
“What!  You mean -- but Charles -- he’s quite capable.”
“Of course, he is capable -- with other women that is!  And that brings us to my second charge.  He’s been whoring every weekend in Shenzhen and I’ve got plenty of evidence!”
“You’ve got proof?” [Totally disoriented by now.]
“I’ve got photos and videos, plenty of them -- enough for a TV series!”
“OK, Winnie, OK!  You’ve made your point -- [Pausing to regain his composure.] --But I must ask you this -- is there something he can get his hands on?   Something that he can use against you in court?”
“Yes and no.”
“Huh!  What?”
“He knew I was seeing another man, but he will not use it in court.”
“Winnie --” [He’s never been this confused in his entire career as a lawyer.]
“I was having an affair with our dear friend George for the past twenty years!”
“You and George!  So it’s you and George that I saw at the Cultural Center the other night!”
“Yes, you spotted us.  We put on disguise when we go out so our friends won’t recognize us.  We want to protect Charles’ reputation.”   
“Are you still seeing George?”
“No, we broke up a week ago.  I finally realized he didn’t love me, not in the same way that I loved him.”  [Her almond eyes look away, tears start filling up, threatening to spill out any second.]
“Oh Winnie!  To hell with George!  You know I love you, don’t you? I love you!”
“What are you saying, James?”  [Looking appropriately surprised.]
“I’ve loved you ever since the first time I saw you in Form one, Winnie.  You’re what I dream about.  Even now -- when I make love with my wife, I see you in my mind!”
“But you’ve never told me, James!  You hardly talked to me at school.  You always hung around the other girls, and didn’t even look in my direction!”
“Well, I was shy and I was hoping that you would --” [Lowering his eyes to avoid her gaze which is becoming more intense by the second.]
“No, James, you were not shy.  Look at me when I talk to you!  You were waiting for me to come to you like all the other girls, James!  You thought a handsome boy like you would never have to make the first move.  Well, you were wrong, James!”
“Yes, Winnie, I was wrong and I was stupid!  I love you, I love you!  I should have told you this a long time ago!”
“Oh, James, I’ve waited twenty years for you to say that.  It’s a bit too late now, don’t you think?”  [She leans closer and places her hand on his knee, taping lightly with her fingers that have long, sharp nails.  Her eyes, still moist from the tears from earlier, are locked on his, with a gaze that’s beseeching and encouraging.]
“No, no, it’s not too late!” [He gets up, sprints to his desk and punches a key on his speaker phone.]  “Maggie, we’ll be working on a very important case for the rest of the afternoon.  Cancel all my meetings and hold all my calls.  We don’t want to be disturbed under any circumstances!”
[What transpires next can be deduced from the following observable facts: there’s a flurry of clothing and personal articles which all land on the carpet; there’s hushed utterance of the deities amidst heavy breathing; the buffalo-hide sofa rocks violently; the ambient temperature rises by two degrees Celsius; Winnie leaves the office; James resumes his work at the office.  The whole affair takes place under ten minutes flat.]
- To be continued -
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