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Annoying Tales (6) - I
Bob Choi

6. Sex after Sixty


“A man is not truly liberated until he becomes impotent.” -- An unknown Greek philosopher.


Episode 1:  At the “Sex Ranch”

[In the late eighties, someone built a resort on a beach on Lantau Island.  It is far away from all the residential areas and is accessible only by boat.  It is named “Sea Ranch”.  It has failed as a resort because people found it inconvenient.  The developer tried to turn it into residential units with equally dismal results.  However, in recent years, Sea Ranch has gained popularity as the venue of choice for special interest groups who find the isolated location desirable.  This weekend, Sea Ranch is the site for the “Men’s Liberation Camp” led by a man named “Bob”.  Bob runs a highly popular therapy clinic for men with sexual dysfunction.  This “Camp” entails a weekend of seminars, small group discussions and leisure activities.  It is always held in the summer because there is a strict, mandatory dress code for everyone in the camp: completely naked.  The public has got wind of this unique feature and nicknamed it the “Sex Ranch”.]

“Hmm, excellent ‘Pina Colada’!” said Charles, seeping cocktail from a coconut shell, garnished with pineapple chunks and a dyed-red cherry on a toothpick and a tiny, pink and green umbrella.

“Yeah, very smooth!” said George, holding a frozen Margarita, his eyes following the curvy backside of a young female attendant (called “camp hostess”).

“Oooh, and a very nice tan,” sighed James. “Ten years ago, I’d have saluted her with my ‘raised flag’!”

“And I’d be arrested for the possession of a loaded gun!” Charles joined the school-yard shenanigan, almost choked on his cocktail. 

[The three boy-men start giggling and grinning, spilling their drinks on their buck-naked torso.  Their manner is both lewd and juvenile.  The naked camp hostess turns to face these three sixty-something, smiles and continues her duties on the beach.  She knows the men’s behavior is benign and she accepts it.  Every man in this camp is impotent.]   

“How’s you master’s thesis coming along, Charles? -- What’s it about again?” asked George.  [Charles retired from his business three years ago and has gone back to school.  He is completing his Master degree in Sociology from the Chinese University.] 

“My thesis title is -- a sociological study of the potential temporal association between the seasonal trend of migration of the female transient population and the seasonal trend in the demand for golf club membership within the city of Shenzhen comparing the ten-year period from 1995 to 2005 and the ten-year period from 2006 to 2016,” Charles recited, catching his breath, “and I’ve just reviewed all my field data with my professor.”

“That’s a very long title, Charles.”

“Well, it’s a very short thesis, George, so I need a long title -- for balance.”

“I’m a lawyer, Charles,” said James. “I’m trained to confuse people with words, but I have to hand it to you -- I couldn’t make heads or tails with your thesis title!  How do you come up with the idea?”

“Well --” Charles was reluctant.

“Hmm, wait a minute,” George mused thoughtfully. “I think I see a connection -- Charles, you son-of-a-gun!  From 1995 to 2005, you were whoring in Shenzhen every weekend, but from 2006 and 2016, you weren’t!  You were out of commission since 2006.  You think that would have made some impact on the demand for prostitution!  Is that it? You’re one sick individual --YOU!”

“You son-of-a-gun --YOU!” now James also caught on.

“Yeah -- I lost it -- I threw in my towel when Winnie walked out on me ten years ago.”  Charles admitted.

“That’s what happened to me too.  It went down and stayed down since 2006.” sighed George, taking a pitiful look at his “it”.

“Me too, guys, that’s when I lowered my ‘flag’ for good.” James concurred with sadness.

[While the men reminisce in silence, the camp hostess walks up to them.]

“Gentlemen, our keynote speaker for today will start in a couple of minutes.  Please go to the conference room now if you want to get a good seat.”

[By the time they get to the conference room, all the seats have been taken except those at the back.  They sit down at the last row.  From where they sit, they can hardly see the speaker’s podium.  Bob walks to the podium and speaks into mike.]

“Gentlemen, we’re very fortunate and honored to have Dr. Mitterrand as our keynote speaker today.  Dr. Mitterrand is a renowned sexologist, a well-known author of several important books on the subject of men-women relationship and sexual behavior.  Let’s put our hands together and give a warm welcome to Dr. Mitterrand.”

[There is a round of applause, then a female voice addressing the audience through the speakers.]  “Good afternoon, gentlemen, I’m happy to have the opportunity today to share with you the latest research findings on functional impotence…”  [Charles, George and James stand up, take a long, hard look at the speaker, then settle into their seats.  Their eyes look as if they are in a trance.]

“It’s --- WINNIE!” they declared, almost in unison.
- To be contuinued -
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