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Annoying Tales (6) - III
Bob Choi

6. Sex after Sixty (Continued)


Episode 3: A Summer Night Under the Full Moon

[It is a good size bungalow with rustic furniture: a king size bed and a loveseat of rattan frame with identical floral pattern sheet and covers.  Winnie sits on a stool in front of the nightstand, looking into the vanity mirror.  The room is dark except for a dim light by the bedside.  She has just finished her nightly facial treatment.  Her hair is pulled back, showing a perfect oval face that is pleasant to look at without any makeup.  The dim light hides the wrinkles that were not even there ten years ago.  She is naked because she is getting ready for bed.  She has a habit of sleeping in the nude.  It makes her feel sensual, confident and uninhibited.  The windows are open.  The translucent drapes are drawn, swaying back and forth with the gentle summer breeze, casting dancing shadows of moonlight upon the walls.  It is around eleven and all is quiet except for a lone cricket that chirps a mating call in the shrubs outside the window.  Something tells the woman and the cricket that they should stay up just a little while longer.  The night is still young.  Who knows what the full moon might bring? – Then there is a “knock-knock” on the door.  Winnie gets up, walks to the door, takes a quick look through the peep-hole, then opens the door, smiling.] 

“It’s you, Charles, would you like to –” [The man steps inside before she can finish her sentence, and closes the door behind him] “Oh Charles, you look like you’re trying to hide –”  [She starts giggling as she takes a good look at Charles, seeing that indeed he has something to hide.  Charles is naked as required by the camp, but if anyone sees him now, there will be serious embarrassment -- a man in this condition is not supposed to be in this camp!]

“Winnie, I don’t know what to say.  I just have to see you.  This hasn’t happened to me for ten years!”  [Referring to the current condition he’s in.]

“Actually, James, this hasn’t happened to you with me for thirty years!”  [Women are much better at keeping scores.]  “What is it that you find sooo exciting?” she teased him. “Why don’t we sit down and you can tell me all about it.”  [She leads him to the loveseat.  They sit down.]

“YOU excite me, Winnie.  I didn’t know what you meant to me until now.  My life has been miserable since the day you left.  I lost interest in my business.  I couldn’t even play golf.  I went back to graduate school because I was bored to death --”

“Calm down, Charles,” Winnie interrupted. “You need to learn how to relax!  You said you went back to school -- what are you studying?” [Trying to ignore the condition the man is in.]

“What am I studying?  That’s not important -- it’s some stupid study on the migration pattern of horny golf players!”  [This is a much better title than the original!]  “What’s important is – Winnie -- now I realize I’m madly in love with you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”

[Winnie looks into his eyes and sees the sad and intense gaze of a man who thirty years ago proposed to her, on a summer night, under the full moon.  Feelings that have been buried deep down stirs once again.  Charles is the first man she ever loved -- and still does.  She feels a lump in her throat as tears start pouring from her eyes, and the world turning all blurry.  She throws her arms around his shoulders and cries like she has never cried before.  The man is crying too, burying his head in the woman’s bosom as he did when he was a little boy crying in the bosom of his mother.]

“I love you – Winnie!” he sobbed.

“And I love you – Charles!” she burst out again.

[The two move from the loveseat to the bed to make themselves more comfortable.  What happens next can be described as “Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata in Motion”.  While it only lasts for several minutes, it feels like eternity for the lovers.  As they say: time stands still when you are in love!]

“Charles -- you’re a great GOLFER!” she whispered in his ears softly, curling up against his side.

“Well, it’s all about controlling the form and timing, dear!” he boasted with confidence, feeling ten feet tall.  “Listen to that cricket.  It’s getting louder and louder.”

“There are two of them now, Charles.  There was only one earlier.  I guess it’s found a mate!  [Pause]  Did George and James know you came to see me?” she wondered.

“Of course, they knew.  In fact they were hiding around the corridor when I knocked at your door.  They wanted to make sure I didn’t chicken out.”

“Chicken out!!” she protested.

“Well, Winnie, I have no idea how you feel about me. You can be rather intimidating, you know -- and I’ve been out of commission for ten years.  Give me some credit, honey!”

“Fine, I said you were a great golfer, didn’t it?” she giggled.

“George and James are very fond of you. You know that – don’t you?”

“Yes, but sometimes I got very confused about the three of you.  How come only you asked me out?” she quizzed.

“Well, let me tell you a little secret.  George and James and I are best friends from high school -- like brothers -- and we didn’t want to compete for your attention.  That would be un-brotherly.  So we settled it the gentlemen’s way.”

“How? Did you guys draw straws or pick from a hat?” she was curious.

“No, we fought one-on-one, bare-knuckled, and I beat the shit out of them both!” he sounded triumphant.

“Now, I remember!  One day you three showed up in classes covered in bruises black and blue.  The teacher was certain that you three were involved in street fights and sent you all to the detention room.  Now, I remember!” she curled up to him even closer.

“Hmm… Winnie, how I wish we can go back in time, go back ten years.” he sighed.

“Well, Charles, I have a little secret for you too.”


“I’m not a sexologist.  I’m not an expert on relationships.  I’ve never written a book in my life.”

“But Bob said --”

“Bob made up my credentials because he wanted the men to pay attention to my speech.  By the way, he wrote the speech.  I just read it out.”

“But why -- why did you come to the camp at all then?” his mind boggled.

“Bob and I have kept in touch all the time.  He told me how my letter to you guys has ruined all your lives.  [Men have such fragile egos that are often tied to their libido.]  He feels I should do what I can to help you guys.  He believes I’m the only one who can restore what is lost in you guys.  You three have come to his summer camp for many years, and he asked me to come, but I can’t do it until now --”

“Why now?”

“Claude passed away last winter, Charles.  He left me his vineyards.  We produce the best red wine in the Bordeaux region.  There are a thousand things I need to take care of at the château.  I need to put things in order before I can take leave, even if it’s only for a few days.”

[A curious smile appears on Charles’ face.]  “I love Cabernet Sauvignon.”  [He looks into Winnie’s eyes, picturing a huge cellar full of barrels containing full-bodied, complex, ruby red elixir of excellent vintage.]  “Winnie, I’d love to help you manage your vineyards -- will you marry me -- again?”

“Oh Charles, I thought you’d never ask -- again!”


[The End]



The wedding took place at the Methodist Church on the following Saturday morning.  Winnie wore a white (virgin white) gown.  Charles was in a tux (black, of course).  George and James were the best men (also in black tux).  All their relatives and friends were attending.  Bob brought all his clients.  Alain Mitterrand had a hard time keeping his three sons (Charles, George and James) at bay.  He finally gave up and concentrated on the bride’s maids instead.  The three rambunctious boys were immediately referred to by all as “The Three Musketeers from Hell”.  Later that day, all the guests were invited to a reception at the Sea Ranch on Lantau Island.  Surprisingly, everyone attended the reception despite its strict dress code: nude.  There were many, many naked bodies, in various shapes, size and vintage at the ranch that day.

- To be continued -

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