過去7年,我司每年平均捐出52%純利作慈善用途,款額動輒以百萬元計,可稱實 至名歸的社會企業。閣下光顧我司,是變相自己做善事!日後請多多光顧為感!
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Annoying Tales (8) - I
Bob Choi

8. The Devil’s Diary



I have wished to write this diary for a long time, but have not had the opportunity to do so until now.  While God has transmitted his messages through many of his disciples, culminating in a thick book known as the Holy Bible, I have not been given the proper channel to air my views or allowed to reach out to people who might be interested in my story.   It is understandable why people would favor GOD over me the DEVIL.  After all, GOD is “GOOD” with a missing “O” and the DEVIL is “EVIL” with an extra “D”.  But if you could get over this semantic bias in the English language and read my diary with an open mind, you might find that the alleged difference between good and evil (and therefore between God and the Devil) is arbitrary at best and slanderous in its worst.  

  -- The Devil

Day One: At the Beginning

At the beginning, there was nothing.  You heard it right, nothing!   If there had been something at the beginning, it would beg the question: where did that something come from?  And as we all know, there is no end to this question, so the inevitable answer is that at the true beginning, there must be nothing.  This way, the question of “Who is the creator?” becomes irrelevant. 

Then for reasons unknown (That’s right, there are many things even I wouldn’t know!) this nothing started to change and split into two equal and opposing elements: the mathematicians or physicists called it “positive” and “negative”, the ancient Chinese philosophers called it “Ying” and “Yang”.   At any rate, these two elements are complementary to each other and as long as they are kept in balance,every galaxy, star and planet and every inhabitant on these planets will be singing and dancing in one big perfect harmony.   But if these two elements are out of whack (or as management consultants would prefer to say “misaligned”), there will be turmoil and pain and suffering of significant magnitude.

Now, I hope you are not too surprised when I tell you that GOD and I (the DEVIL) are manifestation and standard bearers of these two elements.  We came from the same nothing.  We complement one another…we are twins…we are the two sides of a coin.  As a matter of fact, neither of us can exist alone.  This is hard for you to believe, isn’t it?   Well, it shouldn’t be.  Even in the Holy Bible (Yes, I read the Bible.  In our line of business, we must check out the competition!), there are plenty of references to these two opposing and yet complementary elements: Adam and Eve, Samson and Delilah, Moses and the Pharaoh.  Can you imagine Adam without Eve? Samson without Delilah?  Moses and no Pharaoh?  Need I say more?

Now that we are clear on where and how GOD and I came wrapped up inone package, I should proceed to explain the purpose for my being (Why am I here?) and the roles I played in shaping human history (What have I done?)  In Genesis, it was recorded that GOD created the world as we know it in six days and took a rest on the seventh day (Sunday).  I am certainly no match for GOD in his super efficiency, but I will share with you in the following six days everything you wanted to know about me but are too afraid to ask.

      Before I sign off today, let me make clear why I am here.  Contrary to common belief, I am not here to seduce, to corrupt, to lead you away from GOD or to send you packing for hell.  I am only here to make sure you can exercise your free will.  It is really no concern of mine whether or not you obey and follow every word and instruction from GOD (if that is your choice), but it is my goal to see to it that you are fully aware of the alternatives available to you and that you make your decisions free from misconceptions and false propaganda.  I want you to develop a healthy skepticism on long-held doctrines and conventional wisdom.  I encourage you to pose questions and seek answers instead of taking things for granted.  You should know that there are many false statements and accusations that are simply not true even though they are handed down from credible, authoritative sources.

To show you how important it is for you to remain vigilant against untruths, I will tell you truthfully that…I LIE ALL THE TIME!  As a matter of fact, if I speak the truth at a particular moment, it is usually because I wish to gain your trust so I can take you down the wrong path at the next turn.  Let me be totally honest for a second: you must not believe everything you hear or read regardless of the source, including your government, your doctor, your stock broker, your spouse, your children, your church minister or anyone else…because you can never be sure if they were truly themselves or if they were under my influence or they might even be me in disguise, and as I’ve just admitted earlier, I am a compulsive professional liar!

Therefore I serve a rather unique purpose in this universe we all live in: to warn you about half-truths or whole lies, to make sure you stay alert and to keep you on your toes always.  (Now, am I a nice guy or what?)  With this out of the way, I will take the remaining days going over what I have done that have shaped human history and have pretty much made you what you are today.  I know you are very curious to know, but you just have to wait…meanwhile, you all have a nice day!

- To be continued -
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